Sale Head Lighting Protection GENT R-75

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170 kali
Rp. 5.200.000
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Spesifikasi Sale Head Lighting Protection GENT R-75

 Lightning GENT is an external lightning protection are highly reliable to protect buildings Building, Factory, Office System dll.GENT lighting protection and electrostatic membrane system is operated by ions from the plasma that generates streamer to dissipate lightning strikes.
1. AIR TERMINATION SYSTEM perform as a lightning arrestor point to Earth to protect the protective zone of the danger of lightning strikes.
2. UNDER CONDUCTOR only one undersea cable to do when the light is captured by the air terminator to earth.
3. EARTH TERMINATION SYSTEM to distribute electric current due to lightning strikes to the ground, where the ground electrode with respect to the conductor.
GENT Lightning Protection System Has 3 (three) Variation range coverage types based protection
- Radius 150 meters
- Radius 75 meters
- Radius 35 meters
Do not be fooled by counterfeit products
Cardboard packaging characteristics GENT:
1. Material glossy cardboard packaging laminating
2. cardboard wrapper color combination of white, maroon purple gradation
3. The article brand logo black GENT
4.Terdapat Illustration picture black cloud
5. There is a sticker brand, type and serial number on the cardboard packaging
The composition of materials lightning rod terminal head GENT external electrostatic membrane system
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Jl.Jeruk Purut Rt.003 Rw.03 N0.58 Kel.Cilandak Timur Kec.PS Minggu Jakarta Selatan
Login Terakhir 08-07-2018

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