Digital TV Modulator Ikusi
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Spesifikasi Digital TV Modulator Ikusi
Spesifikasi Produk Digital TV Modulator IKUSI
Featured product :
This product aims to meet video signal distribution requirements in residential facilities, hotels and landmark buildings, along with video surveillance installations with COFDM (DVB-T) digital TV modulation. The MAC HD also has a USB interface to add new functions thanks to the evolving computer software, such as video playback from a USB memory stick for digital signage and other possible future additions.
The end user can program the modulator in different ways:
• LCD and joystick placed on the front of the unit.
• Web interface configuration by application IKUSI HEADEND DISCOVERY
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Jl. Kapi Minda III Blok 11-J No. 16 Sawojajar II Malang 65154
Jawa Timur - Malang
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