Mitutoyo 500-196-30 AOS Absolute Digimatic
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Spesifikasi Mitutoyo 500-196-30 AOS Absolute Digimatic
Absolute Calipers Mitutoyo 500-196-30
Electromagnetic inductive sensor improves the environmental resistance, reducing false readings caused by dirt, oil and water.
The battery life has been increased to 3.5 years under normal operation.
ABS sensor eliminates the necessity of setting the reference when powering on.
Follows current ABS-CD design with electronic module improvements.
Mitutoyo 500-196-30 AOS Absolute Digimatic Caliper It is the best value in digital calipers. It has a measuring range of 0-6" with .0005" resolution. Equipped with the exclusive NEW AOS sensor technology which is a patented Advanced Onsite Sensor that offers improved measurement dependability by increasing resistance to harsh workshop conditions. This new caliper features the New electromagnetic inductive (AOS) sensor providing improved resistance to environmental conditions such as dirt, oil and water that can cause false readings, an increased battery life of 3.5 years under normal operation and Absolute (ABS) sensor that eliminates the necessity of setting the reference when the caliper is powered on. It is also fully compatible with existing Mitutoyo digimatic peripherals (SPC cables, U-Wave wireless transmitters, etc.)and are priced the same as the latest 500 Series ABS Caliper models.
Range:0 to 6"
Type:Digimatic Absolute AOS
SPC Output:No
Accuracy:+/- .0010"
Tekindo Global
Tekindo Global supplier alat kebutuhan pabrik, labolatory, geology, elektronik, alat survei, clinometer, measuring instrumen, sirena, Teknik , warning light, dll
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