Meja kursi sekolah
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Minimum Pembelian
1 Set
Dilihat Sebanyak
778 kali
Rp. 510.000
+ Penawaran
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Spesifikasi Meja kursi sekolah
Meja Kursi Sekolah untuk TK, SD,SMP & SMA Bahan terbuat dari 100 % original ABS dan PP-BC Plastik ( Awet, Kuat, Tahan lama & mudah dipasang ). Bergaransi 3 Th !!!
CV. Nozzle Alinco Mufen Pratama
CV. Nozzle Alinco Mufen Pratama was founded in 2002 and after more than 14 years of operation especially manufacturer of building materials and water treatment equipments. We already invented so many kinds of plastic goods and brass equipment for household and industrial need with best quality and best price. We also provide special order for any products with material of plastic and brass. Our newest products are student desk and chair which are made of 100% original plastic material. Our success in the markets we serve has stemmed from meeting our customers requirements for performance, quality, and reliability.
CV. Nozzle Alinco Mufen Pratama
Free Member
Jl. Raya Jatiwaringin Blok A No. 13 RT8/RW7, Cipinang Melayu Makasar, Jakarta Timur - Indonesia
Login Terakhir 07-06-2016
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