Alat Teknik, PERALATANTEKNIK.COM 081215608000 Peralatan Teknik 021-60799777 Fogging, Mesin FoggingToko Alat Teknik, Spare Part Mesin Fogging, Part Swingfog, Suku cadang SN 50. Part Service swingfog sn 50: carburator, nut hex, rubber cap, preasure button, diaphragm, preasure cell, oval screw, gasket, solution tap, PD. PERALATAN TEKNIK Telp. 021-60799777 Mobile. 081215608000 Jl. Petojo VIY No. 9 Jakarta Pusat,email: alatteknik@hotmail.com, PERALATANTEKNIK.COM complete, spark plug, return valve, carry strap, pump collar, petrol tank, spare part mesin fogging, part fogging sn 50, Jasa perbaikan mesin fogging sn 50, Service segala jenis mesin fogging . Ultrafog UF 35, Ultrafog UF-200, SwingFog SN-50, Igeba TF-35, Agrofog AF-35, PulsFog K-10 SP, SuperHawk DynaFog, Best fogger, Super Fogger, Infog, Knapsack, Mini Fogger, ULV Cold Fogger, SN 50, SN 81, SN 101, Fontan, Igeba TF35, Igeba TF95, Jet-Fog I.Z. 150, I.Z.300, Nebels. PD. PERALATAN TEKNIK Telp. 021-60799777 Mobile. 081215608000 Jl. Petojo VIY No. 9 Jakarta Pusat,email: alatteknik@hotmail.com, PERALATANTEKNIK.COMPD. PERALATAN TEKNIK
Jl. Petojo VIY No. 9 Jakarta Pusat
Telp. 021-60799777 Mobile. 081215608000
email: alatteknik@hotmail.com
* Teknisi berpengalaman lebih dari 30 tahun dalam teknik dan konstruksi mesin Fogging.
* Menyediakan sparepart untuk berbagai mesin Fogging. Ultrafog UF 35, Ultrafog UF-200, SwingFog SN-50, Igeba TF-35, Agrofog AF-35, PulsFog K-10 SP, SuperHawk DynaFog, Best fogger, Super Fogger, Infog, Knapsack, Mini Fogger, ULV Cold Fogger, SN 50, SN 81, SN 101, Fontan, Igeba TF35, Igeba TF95, Jet-Fog I.Z. 150, I.Z.300, Nebels. Memiliki kerjasama langsung dengan Produsen dan Principal mesin fogging. Jasa Konsultan. PD. PERALATAN TEKNIK Telp. 021-60799777 Mobile. 081215608000 Jl. Petojo VIY No. 9 Jakarta Pusat,email: alatteknik@hotmail.com, PERALATANTEKNIK.COM Trining dan workshop operasional, perawatan dan perbaikan mesin fogging. Konsultan nasional dengan pengalaman memberikan training diseluruh Indonesia, USA, Singapura dan Cina. Safety : Apparel, Uniform, Environment monitoring, ergonomic, eye protection, eyewashes, fire protection, first aid, gloves, hearing protection, lock out/ tagout, matting, respiratory protection, shield, sign and floor sign, spill control and waste disposal, storage and handling, safety shoes, fitter glove, PD. PERALATAN TEKNIK Telp. 021-60799777 Mobile. 081215608000 Jl. Petojo VIY No. 9 Jakarta Pusat,email: alatteknik@hotmail.com, PERALATANTEKNIK.COM welding glove, welding apron, fitter glove, welding glove, smaw welding glove, lab coat, coverall, rubber over boots, safety boots, head cover, shoe cover, boot cover, chemical splash suits, PVC rain suits PD. PERALATAN TEKNIK Telp. 021-60799777 Mobile. 081215608000 Jl. Petojo VIY No. 9 Jakarta Pusat,email: alatteknik@hotmail.com, PERALATANTEKNIK.COM
Safety Environment Monitoring : Digital Sound level meter, sound meter, acoustical calibrator, sound level meter, sound level datalogger, economical noise dosimeter, light probe meter, light meter, broad range light meter, High Intensity light meter, digital radiometer, radiation monitor, surface radiation monitor, beta radiation shield, personal heat stress monitor, thermal vest,PD. PERALATAN TEKNIK Telp. 021-60799777 Mobile. 081215608000 Jl. Petojo VIY No. 9 Jakarta Pusat,email: alatteknik@hotmail.com, PERALATANTEKNIK.COM Dual position CO2 / temperature meter, Indor quality Meters, gas detection Tubes, Fixed gas monitor, single gas monitor, multigas monitor, radio, handy talky, walky talky, wrist support, back support belt,
Safety : Eye Protection, spectacles, safety glasses, safety goggles, face shield, lens cleaner PD. PERALATAN TEKNIK Telp. 021-60799777 Mobile. 081215608000 Jl. Petojo VIY No. 9 Jakarta Pusat,email: alatteknik@hotmail.com, PERALATANTEKNIK.COM
Safety Eyewashes : eyestations, personal eyestations, faucet mount eyewashes, eyewash bowls, showers, eyewash bowls, combination showers
Safety : Fire Extinguisher, CO alarm
Safety : First Aid : Digital Blood Pressure Monitor, Vinyl Glove, Latex Gloves, chloroprene gloves, glove liners, disposable gloves, nitrile gloves, neoprene, pvc, butyl, norfoil, cryo, heat resistance, cold weather gloves, PD. PERALATAN TEKNIK Telp. 021-60799777 Mobile. 081215608000 Jl. Petojo VIY No. 9 Jakarta Pusat,email: alatteknik@hotmail.com, PERALATANTEKNIK.COM
Safety : Hearing Protection, ear plug, ear band, earmuffs
Safety : Matting, spongue mats, anti fatigue mats, draining floor mats, rejuvenator mats
Safety : Respiration : N95, R95, P95, N100 Respirator, dust mask, particulate respirator, half mask respirator, AO5 AO7 Respirator, Powered Air Purifying Respirators, Air Supply System, Respirator wipes
Safety : Sign and Floor Sign
Safety : Spill Control and Waste Disposal, Sorbents, spill pads, oil sorbents, Absorbent kit, spill cleanup kit
Safety : Storage and Handling, sewer stoppers, high capacity secondary spill containment pallet, splill-containment vessels, overpack salvage drums, secondary containment dolly, drum bogie, poly cylinder bumper brackets.
Jl. Petojo VIY No. 9 Jakarta Pusat
Telp. 021-60799777 Mobile. 081215608000
email: alatteknik@hotmail.com