NURSE CALL AIPHONE NI-JA (Wall Sustation Speaker Nurse Call Aiphone)
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699 kali
Jawa Timur - Malang - Pakis
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Spesifikasi NURSE CALL AIPHONE NI-JA (Wall Sustation Speaker Nurse Call Aiphone)
NI-JA adalah speaker Sub station pasien,yang disambungkan ke master nurse call Aiphone NIM - 20B berbahan stainles Steel dan tahan air.
Stainless Steel Door Station. The NI-JA is a vandal proof and weather resistant sub station. It is constructed with 12-gauge stainless steel, a baffle protected speaker and limited stop call button. The unit can either be flush mounted into a 2-gang box or surface mounted with the SBX-2G. The NI-JA includes tamper proof screws and a tool for installation.
Stainless Steel Door Station. The NI-JA is a vandal proof and weather resistant sub station. It is constructed with 12-gauge stainless steel, a baffle protected speaker and limited stop call button. The unit can either be flush mounted into a 2-gang box or surface mounted with the SBX-2G. The NI-JA includes tamper proof screws and a tool for installation.
Palapa Nusantara
Palapa Nusantara Electric kami distributor, supplier, jual & pasang Pabx , Nurse Call, Gas Medis, TOA Speaker Amplifier, CCTV, MATV, Fire Alarm Hydrant, Sprinkler, Penangkal Petir, Grounding Material di Malang
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Jl. Kapi Minda III Blok 11-J No. 16 Sawojajar II Malang 65154
Jawa Timur - Malang
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