AQMesh Low-Cost Outdoor Air Quality Monitor

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Jawa Barat - Depok - Sukmajaya
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Spesifikasi AQMesh Low-Cost Outdoor Air Quality Monitor

 AQMesh low-cost outdoor air quality monitor

AQMesh is the only commercially available and proven low-cost system for monitoring air quality. The product combines a robust hardware platform with the latest sensor technology and GPRS communication, cloud-based data processing and secure online access. AQMesh pods are manufactured in the UK to the very high quality based on many years of experience of developing environmental monitoring equipment for harsh environments and challenging international standards. This experience has also allowed electronic noise to be reduced in such a way that the best possible sensitivity is achieved from the sensors used. Gases are measured using the latest generation of electrochemical sensors, which allow compensation for environmental factors and sensitivity to 5ppb. Particles are measured using a light scattering optical particle counter.

NO Icon 150 NO2 Icon 150O3 Icon 150CO Icon 150SO2 Icon 150 PM1 150PM2.5 Icon 150PM10 Icon 150TPC Icon 150  

AQMesh pod Features & benefits


  • Measures gases NO, NO2, NOx, O3, CO, SO2
  • Measures particulates PM1, PM2.5, PM10 and TPC
  • Also measures %RH, pod temperature, atmospheric pressure and noise
  • Battery powered
  • Wireless communications
  • Small size
  • Secure online data access
  • Easy to install within minutes
  • Proven performance against reference equipment
  • Real-time air quality measurements and data analysis
  • Global customer support


  • 10 reasons to buy AQMesh
  • Download brochure
  • Download operating manual
  • Download technical specification
  • Read AQMesh news
  • Co-location comparison trials
Product page image

Parameters :
▪ Debu PM10 : 0-30 µg/m3 
▪ Debu PM2.5 : 0-1000 µg/m3 
▪ Nitric Oxide (NO) : 0 - 4.000 ppb  
▪ Nitric Dioxide (NO2) : 0 - 4.000 ppb  
▪ Carbon Monoxide (CO) : 0 - 5 ppm  
▪ Sulphur Dioxide (SO2) : 0 - 10 ppm  
▪ Ozone (O3)  : 0 - 1,800 ppb  
▪ Temperature : -20 to + 100°C  
▪ Relative Humidity : 0 - 100% RH 
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(Environmental Equipment, Science and Laboratory Supply)
Pelanggan Yang Terhormat, Kami KARYA BAKTI NUSANTARA - INDONESIA

adalah perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang mendistribusikan alat monitoring lingkungan, Laboratory, Alat ukur atau alat Kesehatan Lingkungan. Sebagai Sole Agent, Distributordi Indonesia untuk produk :
Haz Dust, Sensonic Madur Electronic, Kimo Instruments, E Instruments, HI-Q Environmental, Staplex, Sensit Technologies, Vzor, Partech Instruments, Aco co, Labomed Inc.
 (Water test kit, Alat Kesehatan Lingkungan, Alat Monitoring Lingkungan, Kit Kesehatan Lingkungan, Water quality monitor, Sanitarian field kit, Food security kit, Food contamination test kit, Bacteriology test kit, Gas analyser, Flue gas analyser, Gas detector, Analitical balance, Soil test kit, Dust monitor, High volume air sampler, Ergonomi dan evaluation test). 

Tampilkan Lebih Banyak
Ruko Sukmajaya No.35, Jl. Tole Iskandar , Depok Indonesia
Jawa Barat - Depok
Login Terakhir 11-11-2024

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