Jual Buterfly Valve ARITA
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Jawa Tengah - Batang - Batang
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Spesifikasi Jual Buterfly Valve ARITA
Butterfly Valve has a unique shape compared to other valves. Butterfly uses a circular plate or disc-operated with the ankle to fully open or close by an angle of 90 °. This disc remains at the center of flow, and is connected to the ankle through the shaft. When the valve is closed, the disc perpendicular to the direction of flow, so that the flow is stopped. And when the valve is open / in line with the flow, so that it flows through the valve. Butterfly valve has the minimum turbulence and pressure drop. This type of valve is a choice for the operation of on-off or throttling, and is good to control the flow of liquid or gas in large quantities.
Yuan Adam
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Email : paul@yuanadam.com
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Website : www.yuanblower.com
Yuan Adam
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Jl. Tentara Pelajar, Kauman, Singokerten Residence, Blok D10, Batang - Jawa Tengah
Jawa Tengah - Batang
Login Terakhir 28-08-2019
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