Multi-Image Splicing Processor
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Spesifikasi Multi-Image Splicing Processor
1. Support arbitrary stitching of up to 12 LCDs or DLPs
2. 8 DVI-U inputs (DVI-U supports DVI/HDMI/VGA/CVBS)
Arbitrary layout of 8 images
3.Keys and color display screen on the front panel, allowing quick setting without software installed
4.Support signal echoing and view real-time input and output signals by
software, enabling WYSIWYG
5.All 60Hz image processing, achieving smooth and non-tearing images
6.Support output port mapping, allowing blind mating.
Multiple Splicing Modes
Arbitrary display of 8 images
HW-81200 can simultaneously display 8 same or different signal images on the splicing screen,
and size, location and hierarchical relationship of each image can be adjusted independently.
CrossInt smart synchronous splicing
HW-81200 has adopted the CrossInt smart splicing technology specially designed for splicing display
and all display modules are locked by FST technology before synchronous output,
eliminating the asynchronous display between contents of multiple modules.
PANIO Information Company
Panio, a privately held company founded in 2000, is the recognized leader in connectivity solutions in Tai wan . we offers a diverse product mix that provides with KVM,Audio & Video Extender, Video Switch & Splitter and new coming high technology product, which extracts the full performance potential equipment, while offering elegant designs and advanced features.
PANIO Information Company
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Login Terakhir 11-03-2019
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