Hotel Rate Medan 2010
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420 kali
Papua - Jayapura
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Spesifikasi Hotel Rate Medan 2010
Negara Asal: | Indonesia |
Harga: | Disesuaikan saat booking |
Kemas & Pengiriman: | Medan, Berastagi, Parapat |
Keterangan: | Antares Hotel ( 3 Stars) Superior IDR 310, 000 310, 000 Jl. Sisingamangaraja No. 84 Deluxe IDR 360, 000 360, 000 Medan , Indonesia Executive IDR 410, 000 410, 000 Phone: 061 - 7324000, Fax: 061 - 7323000 Suite Room IDR 765, 000 765, 000 Asean International Hotel ( Former Best Western) ( 4 Stars) Superior IDR 450, 000 450, 000 Jl. H. Adam Malik No.5 Deluxe IDR 575, 000 575, 000 Medan , Indonesia Executive IDR 585, 000 585, 000 Phone: 061-4563888, Fax: 061-4521125 Asean Suite IDR 735, 000 735, 000 Citi Inn Palang Merah ( Undefinned) Standard IDR 240, 000 240, 000 Jl. Palang Merah No. 112A Maisonette Suite IDR 285, 000 285, 000 Medan , Indonesia Citi Suite ( 8 Paxs) IDR 745, 000 745, 000 Phone: 061 - 4554787, Fax: 061 - 4149981 Citi Inn Sun Yat Sen ( Undefinned) Low Season : Jl. Sun Yat Sen No. 77 Superior IDR 270, 000 270, 000 Medan , Indonesia Junior Suite IDR 400, 000 400, 000 Phone: 061 - 735 6855, Fax: 061 - 732 4857 Business Suite IDR 485, 000 485, 000 Family Suite IDR 610, 000 610, 000 High Season : Superior IDR 285, 000 285, 000 Junior Suite IDR 420, 000 420, 000 Business Suite IDR 510, 000 510, 000 Family Suite IDR 645, 000 645, 000 Deli River Resort ( Undefinned) R.O.H IDR 560, 000 560, 000 Jl. Raya Namorambe No. 129, Medan , Indonesia Medan , Indonesia Phone: 061 - 7032964, Fax: 061 - 7032965 Emerald Garden ( 4 Stars) Superior IDR 410, 000 445, 000 Jl . K.L. Yos Sudarso No.1 Deluxe IDR 560, 000 560, 000 Medan , Indonesia Phone: 061 - 6611888, Fax: 061 - 6622888 Garuda Citra Hotel ( 1 Stars) Standard IDR 210, 000 210, 000 Jl. Sisingamangaraja No. 27 Executive IDR 260, 000 260, 000 Medan , Indonesia Deluxe IDR 290, 000 290, 000 Phone: 061 - 7367733, Fax: 061 - 7360564 Reservasi - 7368553 Family IDR 300, 000 300, 000 Garuda Plaza ( 3 Stars) Superior IDR 340, 000 Jl. Sisingamangaraja No. 18 Executive Superior IDR 375, 000 Medan , Indonesia Deluxe IDR 445, 000 445, 000 Phone: 061 - 7361111, Fax: 061 - 7364411 Executive Deluxe IDR 540, 000 540, 000 Garuda Deluxe IDR 920, 000 920, 000 Grand Angkasa ( 5 Stars) Superior IDR 515, 000 515, 000 Jl. Sutomo No. 1 Deluxe IDR 570, 000 570, 000 North Sumatra Executive Floor IDR 730, 000 730, 000 Medan , Indonesia Phone: 061 - 4555888, Fax: 061 - 4550555 ( Check-in: Fri, Sat, Sun) Superior IDR 495, 000 495, 000 Deluxe IDR 545, 000 545, 000 Executive Floor IDR 705, 000 705, 000 Grand Antares Indonesia ( 4 Stars) Superior IDR 360, 000 360, 000 Jl. Sisingamangaraja No. 328 Deluxe IDR 410, 000 410, 000 Medan , Indonesia Business IDR 435, 000 435, 000 Phone: 061 - 7883555, Fax: 061 - 7883666 Executive IDR 460, 000 460, 000 Grand Aston Citi Hall ( 5 Stars) Deluxe IDR 550, 000 550, 000 Jl. Balai Kota No. 1 Premier Deluxe IDR 660, 000 660, 000 Medan 20122, Indonesia Cheng Beng Priode on March 24 - April 2, 2010 will be applied IDR 250.000, -/ R/ N Phone: 061 - 455 7000, Fax: 061 - 455 8822 Deluxe IDR 580, 000 580, 000 Premier Deluxe IDR 680, 000 680, 000 Grand Sirao ( 2 Stars) Standard IDR 160, 000 160, 000 Jl. Semarang No. 4-6 Superior IDR 220, 000 220, 000 Medan , Indonesia Deluxe IDR 330, 000 330, 000 Phone: 061 - 4565022, Fax: 061 - 4530050 Suite IDR 420, 000 420, 000 Grand Swiss-belhotel ( 5 Stars) Deluxe IDR 580, 000 630, 000 Jl. S. Parman 215 I-J Superior Deluxe IDR 685, 000 735, 000 Medan , Indonesia Grand Deluxe IDR 945, 000 995, 000 Phone: 061 - 4576999, Fax: 061 - 4570606 Inna Dharma Deli ( 3 Stars) Standard IDR 315, 000 315, 000 Jl. Balai Kota No. 2 Superior IDR 365, 000 365, 000 Medan , Indonesia Deluxe IDR 470, 000 470, 000 Phone: 061 - 4147744, Fax: 061 - 4144477 Executive ( No Window) IDR 545, 000 545, 000 Garden Wing IDR 585, 000 585, 000 JW Marriott Medan ( 5 Stars) Deluxe IDR 615, 000 615, 000 Jl. Putri Hijau No. 10 Executive IDR 800, 000 800, 000 Medan , Indonesia Executive Deluxe IDR 1, 170, 000 1, 170, 000 Phone: 061 - 4517333, Fax: 061 - 4523333 Deluxe IDR 770, 000 770, 000 Executive IDR 1, 020, 000 1, 020, 000 Executi ve Deluxe IDR 1, 385, 000 1, 385, 000 ( Check-in: Fri, Sat, Sun) Deluxe IDR 645, 000 645, 000 Executive IDR 875, 000 875, 000 Executive Deluxe IDR 1, 195, 000 1, 195, 000 Madani Hotel ( 3 Stars) Superior IDR 315, 000 315, 000 Jl. Sisingamangaraja / Jl. Amaliun No. 1 Deluxe IDR 380, 000 380, 000 Medan , Indonesia Executive Deluxe IDR 500, 000 500, 000 Phone: 061 - 7358000, Fax: 061 - 7367779 Executive Suite IDR 780, 000 780, 000 Medan Metro ( Former Sahid) ( 3 Stars) Superior IDR 300, 000 300, 000 Jl. Sisingamangaraja No.11 Km 7.5 Deluxe IDR 435, 000 435, 000 Medan 20147, Indonesia Junior Suite Room IDR 495, 000 495, 000 Phone: 061 - 7879070, Fax: 061 - 7879147 Executive IDR 570, 000 570, 000 Menara Lexus Hotel ( 2 Stars) Classic IDR 165, 000 165, 000 Jl. Sisingamangaraja No.127 Superior IDR 195, 000 195, 000 Medan 20126, Indonesia Deluxe IDR 235, 000 235, 000 Phone: 061 - 7882777, Fax: 061 - 7851184 Grand Deluxe IDR 265, 000 265, 000 Executive IDR 295, 000 295, 000 Executive Suite IDR 445, 000 445, 000 Palace Inn ( Undefinned) Superior IDR 255, 000 255, 000 Jl. Mojopahit No 91 Deluxe IDR 275, 000 275, 000 Medan , Indonesia Executive IDR 295, 000 295, 000 Phone: 061 - 4160099, Fax: 061 - 4159393 Junior Suite IDR 320, 000 320, 000 Polonia Hotel ( 4 Stars) Standard IDR 315, 000 315, 000 Jl. Jend. Sudirman 14 Superior IDR 395, 000 395, 000 Medan , Indonesia Executive IDR 520, 000 520, 000 Phone: 061 - 453 5111, Fax: 061 - 4519553 Deluxe IDR 670, 000 670, 000 Royal Perintis ( 2 Stars) Superior IDR 290, 000 290, 000 Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan No. 17 A Executive IDR 345, 000 345, 000 Medan , Indonesia Deluxe IDR 400, 000 400, 000 Phone: 061 - 4555850, Fax: 061 - 4510517 Semarak ( 3 Stars) Superior IDR 340, 000 340, 000 Jl. Sisingamangaraja No. 50 Deluxe IDR 535, 000 535, 000 Medan , Indonesia Suite Room IDR 680, 000 680, 000 Phone: 061 - 7355777, Fax: 061 - 7355333 Soechi International ( 4 Stars) Superior IDR 445, 000 445, 000 Jl. Cirebon No.76A Junior Suite IDR 820, 000 820, 000 Medan 20212, Indonesia Family IDR 830, 000 830, 000 Phone: 061 - 4561234, Fax: 061 - 4572222 Suite IDR 1, 080, 000 1, 080, 000 Tiara ( 4 Stars) Superior IDR 475, 000 475, 000 Jl. Cut Mutiah Executive IDR 545, 000 545, 000 Medan 1327, Indonesia Junior Suite IDR 870, 000 870, 000 Phone: 061 - 4574000, Fax: 061 - 4513720 Superior IDR 495, 000 495, 000 Executive IDR 565, 000 565, 000 Junior Suite IDR 970, 000 970, 000 The Aryaduta Hotel ( 5 Stars) Deluxe IDR 515, 000 515, 000 Jl. Kapten Maulana Lubis No.8 Aryaduta Club IDR 840, 000 840, 000 Medan , Indonesia Aryaduta Pool Terrace IDR 1, 020, 000 1, 020, 000 Phone: 061 - 4572999, Fax: 061 - 4571999 Aryaduta Premiere IDR 1, 320, 000 1, 320, 000 |
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Menyewakan Bus Pariwisata AC, TV, DVD
Melayani permintaan paket tour Medan - Danau Toba - Berastagi
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Jl. Tritura No.71E Medan 20219, Sumatera Utara Indonesia
Papua - Jayapura
Login Terakhir 21-09-2010
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