FM 200

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Jawa Tengah - Kudus
Rp. 20.000.000
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Spesifikasi FM 200


Spesifikasi Pemadam Api Otomatis Fm 200

Electrically non-conductive, FM-200 works by removing heat from a fire so that combustion cannot be sustained. When it comes to being safe for use, FM-200 delivers, which is why FM-200 systems are approved by, FM and UL listed; an ideal solution where personnel safety and process continuity are paramount.The decision to use FM-200 can be based on a number of key factors: it is the most widely used of the chemical replacements for Halon 1301 and it is an agent that has been used to successfully protect tens of thousands of
high-technology facilities in 70 countries around the world. At its design concentration, FM-200 does not sufficiently deplete the oxygen level to a point where it is unsafe for occupants to remain in the room. FM-200 agent is stored in cylinders as a liquid, super-pressurised with nitrogen so requiring only a very small storage 'footprint'. The discharged gas flows through a piping network into the protected area, where it is applied to suppress the fire through heat absorption.Significantly, there is no risk of thermal shock to delicate electronic equipment and FM-200 is electrically non-conductive and

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Dayatama Solo

Kami PT. Dayatama Ciptamandiri , bergerak dibidang Elektrikal, Mekanikal,LV dan Infrastruktur Penunjang Mission Critical Data Center, meliputi :
ABB LV, EURO DIESEL Dynamic Rotary UPS, Astrid Industrial UPS, Environmental Monitoring System (EMS), Water Leakage Detector, 
Precision Air Conditioning, Fire Supression
, Raised Floor dan Insulation, Grounding,dll. 

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Dayatama Solo

Free Member
Jl. Langendriyo ,benowo, RT 02 RW 08,ngringo, jaten,karanganyar , jawa tengah ,
Jawa Tengah - Kudus
Login Terakhir 26-05-2020

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