We are tagged as one of the famed Sewage Treatment Plant Manufacturers from Indonesia. The Sewage Water Treatment Plant has designed on the basis of Activated Sludge Process. This sewage treatment plant provides you all the parameters within the norms as laid down by Pollution Control Board. The area requirement is very less compared to civil constructed one and others companies too. Moreover, the treated water will be odor free & can be used for horticulture purposes. Specifications Capacity : Range from 25 m3/ day to 400m3 / dayIndustrial Sewage Treatment Plant is consist of mild steel and lined with first layer of rubber and second layer of P.V.C.Based on different design
PT Water Management Technology
PT Water Management Technology adalah perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang pengolahan air (Water Treatment) dan pengolahan air limbah (Wastewater Treatment). Lingkup pekerjaan yang dapat kami laksanakan meliputi : perencanaan, pengadaan, instalasi, perakitan dan pengiriman barang ke lokasi pemesan atau lokasi proyek, pemasangan peralatan dan kelengkapannya di lokasi pekerjaan, test & commissioning, pelatihan operator, pengadaan suku cadang dan consumables, serta pengadaan keseluruhan peralatan pengolahan air dan limbah diantaranya adalah : sand filter, carbon filter, carbon aktif, silica sand, anion cation, boiler/cooling water chemical, catridge filter, softener, doshing pump, membrane, purifier, water treatment plant, wastewater treatment plant,dll. Bandingkan dengan yang lain, di kami tersedia keseluruhan perlengkapan, peralatan dan system dan juga harga kami yang lebih murah dan kompetitif. Hubungi kami di 02146340310, email: staf kami siap melayani 24 jam. Kunjungi website kami juga di