Alat Survey - Waterpass Automatic Level Nikon AX-2S

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Spesifikasi Alat Survey - Waterpass Automatic Level Nikon AX-2S

Detail Produk Waterpass Automatic Level Nikon AX-2S

The economical, compact and lightweight AX-2S automatic level Nikon features a built-in compensator with magnetic damper that automatically levels line of sight. Its airtight design enables quality surveying in dusty conditions or light rain.

• Waterproof design
• Clear Nikon optics
• Horizontal circle
  • Magnification:           20x
• Aperture:                  30 mm
• Min Focus distance: 0.75m
• Accuracy: ± 2.5 mm (1km double run leveling)

 Auto Levels AP/AC/AX Series

  • Three models to choose from: AP-8/AC-2S/AX-2S
  • Compact and lightweight
  • Water-resistant construction
  • Magnetic-dampened automatic compensator
  • Horizontal tangent knobs with unlimited range
  • Smooth, precise pointing and angular measurement
  • Detachable eyepiece lens

AP/AC/AX Series auto levels are easy to set up and use All three models can attach to both flat-head and spherical-head tripods. Horizontal tangent knobs with an unlimited range ensure smooth, precise pointing and angular measurement, and you can operate them with either hand. The detachable eyepiece lens lets you use an optional diagonal eyepiece prism for working in extremely close or steep quarters.

Nikon optics effectively let in more light, so you see brighter, sharper images-especially in low-light conditions. The AP-8 model auto level features a 28x high-magnification telescope, the AC-2S has a 24x telescope, and the AX-2S has a 20x telescope. All three models offer minimum focusing down to 2.46 ft (0.75 m) for better performance in tight spots or on steep slopes

Paket termasuk :

  • Unit Automatic Level Nikon
  • Alumunium Tripod
  • Rambu Ukur 3 M.
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