Alat Survey - Total Station Cygnus KS-102P

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Spesifikasi Alat Survey - Total Station Cygnus KS-102P

Detail Produk Total Station Cygnus KS-102P

Specification :

Magnification : 30x
Image : Erect
Field of View : 1° 30′
Resolving power : 3.0″
Minimum focus distance : 1.3m

Angle measurement
Display resolution : 1″ / 5″
Accuracy : 2″
Axis compensator : 1 axis, ± 3′ ( Compensation range)

Distance measurement
Measuring range – Reflectorless : 200m
Measuring range – Prism : 2, 000m ( Single Prism)
Accuracy – Reflectorless : ( 3+ 2 ppm x D) mm
Accuracy – Prism ( 2+ 2 ppm x D) mm
Measuring time ( Fine) – Reflectorless 1.1s
Measuring time ( Fine) – Prism : 1.1s

Interface and Data Management
Display : Graphic LCD
Keyboard : 24 Alpha-Numeric Keys
Control panel location 2 sides
Data storage – Internal memory 24, 000 pts
Data storage – Plug-in memory device N/ A
Interface : Serial RS-232C

Levels – Plate Level : 30″ / 2mm
Levels – Circular level : 10′ / 2mm
Optical plummet ( Magnification) : 3x
Dust and water protection IP54
Operating temperature -20 to 50º C
Size with handle 336( H) x 184( W) x 172( L) mm
Weight with battery & tribrach : 4.9kg

Power supply
Battery : BT-77Q
Operating time( 20º C) Approx. 23 hours

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Mitra Geologi

Mitra Geologi merupakan sebuah situs belanja online yang bergerak dalam berbagai bidang industri, Pertambangan, Pertanahan, Kontruksi, dan berbagai industri lainnya. Seperti Digital Instrument, GPS (Global Positioning System), Surveying Instruments, Test dan Measurement, Radio dan Satelite Communication, Telecommunication, Peralatan Marine/Kelautan, Alat Teknik, Alat Ukur/Uji Beton, Perkakas dan Peralatan Geologi. Jasa Melayani Jasa Pengurusan Perizinan Frekuensi Radio Komunikasi. Mengerjakan Pembuatan dan Pemasangan Tower, Pemasangan Repeater Radio Komunikasi, ssb, Base Station, Pemasangan Radio Mobil, Radio Marine, dll.. Jasa Melayani Jasa Pengurusan Perizinan Frekuensi Radio Komunikasi. Mengerjakan Pembuatan dan Pemasangan Tower, Pemasangan Repeater Radio Komunikasi, ssb, Base Station, Pemasangan Radio Mobil, Radio Marine, dll. Untuk Pemesanan dan Informasi Harga Terbaik, Hubungi : Faisal Roni Zayini HP : 081388031624 / 087721761438 / 081274087466 PIN BB : 28BB71E8 / 5B78DEE3 Email : Office : Jalan Ciptomangunkusumo perumahan mahkota simpprug blok B14 No. 6 Tangerang selatan. Tlp : 021-29040157 Fax : 021-34617569
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Mitra Geologi

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Perumahan Mahkota Simprug Blok B14.No.6 Jl. Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo ( H. Mencong ) Tangerang Selatan
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