Alat Survey - Total Station Nikon DTM 322 ( 1 Face )

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Spesifikasi Alat Survey - Total Station Nikon DTM 322 ( 1 Face )

Detail Produk Total Station Nikon DTM 322 ( 1 Face )

  • Legendary Nikon optics
  • Fast, accurate EDM
  • 3″ and 5″ angle accuracies
  • Convenient and long-lasting, re-chargeable AA batteries
  • Easy-to-use keypad
  • Rugged and lightweight
  • Linear focusing mechanism

Nikon introduces the DTM-322 Total Station that delivers an economic, versatile, and easy-to-use platform to make sure you get the job done right. Nikon’s legendary optics effectively allow in more light to give you brighter, clearer images. You’ll see the difference when you look through a Nikon Total Station even in the low-visibility conditions typical in the field. You’ll see much more detail and much less distortion, especially over longer distances. Better optics help you aim more precisely, and they’re much easier on your eyes – something you’ll really appreciate on long workdays.

The Nikon DTM-322 Total Station is among the fastest total stations in its class, so you can move quickly through your routines and spend less time in the field. The DTM-322 is rugged and lightweight – at 5kg (11 lb) including the battery.

Using rechargeable AA batteries, the DTM-322 is designed to consume low power and provide the longest possible time in the field. Off-the-shelf AA batteries can also be used as a back-up to provide even longer life.

DTM-322 is available in a 3″ dual face model and a 5″ single face model to meet your specific accuracy needs.

The Nikon DTM-322 is built tough for all occasions.


Akurasi sudut: 3 ”
Display: Single (keyboard alpha-numeric penuh dengan grafis LCD)
Kompensator: Axis Single
EDM type: Standard IR EDM
Akurasi Jarak: ± 3 mm 2 ppm
Jarak jangkauan: ± 2 300m untuk Prism Single

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