ATTEN ADS-1022C+ Digital Oscilloscope

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Spesifikasi ATTEN ADS-1022C+ Digital Oscilloscope

ATTEN ADS-1022C+ Digital Oscilloscope


  • 2 channels Bandwidth – 25 MHz
  • Compact design saves space and allows a comfortable outdoor work.
  • 5.7” Color LCD screen (320×234) Clear and stable waveform display.
  • Sampling rate – 500 MS/s
  • Equivalent sampling rate – 50 GS/s
  • Internal memory – 32K
  • Advanced start functions: frontal, video, pulse length, pulse delay
  • Built-in USB-host, USB-slot for PC connection
  • Digital filter and recorder functions.
  • “Good/bad” mode
  • 32 automatic measurements
  • Pointer measurement modes: manual, tracking and automatic
  • 5 mathematic functions: adding, subtraction, multiplying, division, FFT if memory length = 1K, digital filters (HF, LF, linear, elimination)
  • Frame waveform registering mode (up to 2500 frames, recording and replaying)


Technical Specifications

Model ADS1022C
Channels: 2 channels
Bandwidth 25 MHz
Sampling rate 500 MS/s
Equivalent sampling rate 50 GS/s
Memory 32K points
Building-up time <14ns
Input impedance 1MOm 13pF
Horizontal sweep time 25 ns/dgt -50 ns/dgt
Display 5.7” Color LCD screen (320×234)
Vertical sensitivity 2 mV/dgt – 5 V/dgt (1-2-5 Sequence)
Vertical resolution 8 bit
A1 and A2 input modes DC, AC, ground
Max. input voltage 400 V( DC + AC, (1MOm input impedance 10X),
5 V(50Om input impedance, BNC )
Launch modes frontal, video, pulse length, pulse delay
Sweep launch modes Auto, normal, singular
Sync sources

CH1, CH2, Ext, Ext/5, AC Line

Store/Recall Up to 20 waveforms and up to 20 control settings profiles High capacity devises can be connected to USB-slot on the osciloscope front panel.
Automatic measurements Vpp, Vamp, Vmax, Vmin, Vup, Vdn, Vavg, Vrms, Negative peak, Positive peak, frequency, period, building-up time, fall time, positive legth, negative length, positive load coefficient, negative load coefficient, delay
Pointer measurements Modes manual, tracking and automatic
Mathematic functions Adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing, FFT
FFT Windows: Hanning, Hamming, Blackman, Square
XY modes Phase error ±3
Interface themes Clssic, modern, traditional, minimal
Languages Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, English, Arab, French, German, Russian, Spanish, Portuguese, Japanese, Korean
Power supply 100-240V, 40-440Hz CAT II. 50W max
Measurements 305mmx154mmx133m
Weight 2.3kg
USB-host External data storage support
USB Direct PictBridge printing support;
PC control


Package Contents

  • 2 probes 10:1
  • EasyScope computer software system
  • Power cord
  • USB-cable
  • User guide
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Mitra Geologi

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