Hantek DSO1060 Handheld Oscilloscope

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Spesifikasi Hantek DSO1060 Handheld Oscilloscope

Hantek DSO1060 Handheld Oscilloscope


  • Excellent industrial design. Direct key for each channel, time base, trigger and DMM, easy to operate.
  • Large 5.7 inch TFT color LCD display, LED backlight, display clearly.
  • USB host/device 2.0 full-speed interface, support removeable disk, RS-232/LAN option, easy to control by PC or long-distance.
  • High bandwidth 60MHz-200MHz oscilloscope, and 6000 COUNTS high precision DMM.
  • High refresh rate. High real-time sample rate 250MSa/s or 500MSa/s. 50GSa/s equivalent-time sample rate.
  • FFT, +, -, x, ÷, X-Y, 22 types of auto measurements, PASS/FAIL check, easy to use on production line.
  • Multiform trigger mode, 2 separate time base in ALT trigger mode, easy to observe 2 signals with different frequency.
  • 1000 waveforms save and record.
  • Battery power operation (installed) and industrial design.
  • Save waveform in the following: jpg/bmp graphic file, MS excel/word file.
  • Dimensions (mm): 240(L)x165(W)x50(H), be carried easily.
  • Labview\VB\VC Second Design instance.



Model DSO1200 DSO1060
Bandwidth 200MHz 60MHz
Channel 2
Real-Sample Rate 500MSa/s  250MSa/s
Equivalent Sample Rate 50GSa/s
Record Length 32K
Rish time ≤1.7ns ≤5.8ns
Timebase Accuracy ±50ppm
Time Base Range 5ns/div-1000s/div
Video Help
SD Card
Input Impandance 1MΩ ΙΙ 15pF
VOLTS/DIV Range 10mV/div~5V/div
A/D Converter 8bit
Position Range ±50V(5V/div), ±40V(2V/div~500mV/div),
±2V(200mV/div~50mV/div), ±400mV(20mV/div~2mV/div)
DC Gain Accuracy ±3% for Normal or Average acquisition mode, 5V/div to 10mV/div;
±4% for Normal or Average acquisition mode, 5mV/div to 2mV/div
Bandwidth Limit 20MHz
Trigger Types Edge, Video, Pulse, Alternative
Trigger Source CH1, CH2
Math +, -, x, ÷, FFT, Invert
Cursor Measurement Voltage difference between cursors: △V;
Time difference between cursors: △T;
Reciprocal of △T in Hertz (1/ΔT);
Auto Measuerment Frequency, Period, Mean, Pk-Pk, Cycli RMS, Minimum, Maximum, Rise time, Fall Time, +Pulse Width, -Pulse Width, Delay1-2Rise, Delay1-2Fall, +Duty, -Duty, Vbase, Vtop, Vmid, Vamp, Overshoot, Preshoot, Preiod Mean, Preiod RMS, FOVShoot, RPREShoot
The float voltage between BNC and Ground
The float voltage between each Channel
The float voltage between Multimeter and Ground
between input Ports directly
Input by 10:1 probe
DMM Max. Resolution 6,000 Counts
Testing Modes Voltage, Current, Resistance, Capacitance, Diode & Continuity
Max. Input Voltage AC: 600V, DC: 800V
Max. Input Current AC:10A , DC: 10A
Max. Input Impandance 10MΩ
Display 5.7″ TFT 16K Color Display, 320*240 dots
Size 245mm x 163mm x 52mm
Weight 1.3KG(Without Package)
Standard Probe PP200x2 PP80x2


DMM Mode
Max. Resolution 6000 Counts
DMM Testing Modes Voltage, Current, Resistance, Capacitance, Diode & Continuity
Max. Input Voltage AC:600V, DC: 800V
Max. Input Current AC: 10A, DC:10A
Input Impedance 10MΩ
DMM TrendPlot 1.2M  Point
Range Resolution Accuracy Resolution
DC Voltage 60.00mV ±1%±3 digit 10uV
600.0mV 100uV
6.000V 1mV
60.00V 10mV
600.0V 100mV
800V 1V
AC Voltage 60.00mV ±1%±3 digit 10uV
600.0mV 100uV
6.000V 1mV
60.00V 10mV
600.0V 100mV
DC Current 60.00mA ±1%±5 digit 10uA
600.0mA ±1.5%±5 digit 100uA
6.000A 1mA
10.00A 10mA
AC Current 60.00mA ±1%±5 digit 10uA
600.0mA ±1.5%±5 digit 100uA
6.000A 1mA
10.00A 10mA
Resistance 600Ω ±1%±3 digit 0.1Ω
60.00KΩ 10Ω
600.0KΩ 1KΩ
6.000MΩ 10KΩ
60.00MΩ ±1%±5 digit 100KΩ
Capacitance 40.00nF ±2%±5 digit 10pF
400.0nF 100pF
4.000uF 1nF
40.00uF 10nF
400.0uF 100nF
Attention: the smallest capacitance value that can be measured in 5nF
Diode 0V~2.0V
ON-OFF test <10Ω


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