ATTEN ADS-1152CML Digital Oscilloscope

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Spesifikasi ATTEN ADS-1152CML Digital Oscilloscope

ATTEN ADS-1152CML Digital Oscilloscope

Product Description

The ADS-1000CML series is considered for the replacement of analog oscilloscope and further promoted as a personal DSO affordable to any situation such as each student in educational labs, service technicians,  or industrialfield needing big quantity. With the easy to use user interface available in 12 different languages, its truly a global player



  • The new ultra-thin design, small size and more convenient to carry
  • Color TFT LCD display, waveform display is more clear and stable
  • Extensive trigger functions: edge, pulse, video, slope, alternate
  • Unique digital filter and waveform recorder
  • Pass / Fail function
  • 2Mpts global overview of the storage depth, detailed presentation
  • 32 automatic measurements
  • 2 set of reference waveforms, 20 groups of common waveforms, 20 groups of settings within the store / recall; support waveform, set, CSV and bitmap files U disk external storage and recall
  • 5 Math :+,-,*, FFT
  • Screen protection function (1-5 minutes)
  • Manual, tracking, automatic cursor measurement function
  • Channel waveform and FFT waveforms at the same time split-screen display
  • Analog channel waveform mesh screen brightness and brightness adjustable
  • Pop-up menu display mode, the user operation more flexible, natural
  • Rich interface display style: classic, modern, traditional, simple
  • Multilingual interface display, embedded online help, a key storage, one-touch printing functions
  • Standard interface: USB Host: Support U disk U disk storage and a system through software upgrades; USB Device: support for PictBridge direct printing and PC connection with the remote control; RS-232.




Input Coupling AC, DC, GND
Input Impedance DC: 1MΩ ± 2% || 17pF ± 3pF
AC: 1.2 MΩ ± 2% || 17pF ± 3pF, < =100mV/div
1.0 MΩ ± 2% || 17pF ± 3pF, >100mV/div
Maximum Input Voltage ± 400V PK-PK CATI
Ch to Ch Isolation
(Both channels in same V/div setting)
>100:1 at 20 MHz
Probe attenuator 1X, 10X
Probe attenuator 1X, 10X, 100X, 1000X

Horizontal System

Real Time Sampling Rate Single Channel 1 GSa/S; Double Channels 500 MSa/s
Equivalent Sampling Rate 50GSa/s
Measure Display Modes main, window, window zoom, scan, x-y
Timebase Accuracy ±100ppm measured over 10 ms interval
Time Window 18 Divisions

Vertical System

Vertical Sensitivity 2mV-10V/div at input BNC (1-2-5 order)
Channel voltage offset range 2 mV-200mV: ±1.6V
206mV-10V: ± 40V in Fixed Gain Ranges & Variable Gain Ranges
Vertical Resolution 8 bit
Channels 2
Analog Bandwidth (at input BNC) 100 MHz
BW Flatness DC-10% of rated BW: ± 1dB
10%-50% of rated BW: ± 2dB
50%-100% of rated BW: ± 3dB
Lower frequency limit (AC -3dB) ≤10 Hz (at input BNC)
Noise: Pk-Pk for 3K record ≤ 0.6 Div for average of 10Pk-Pk readings in fixed gain settings.
< = 0.7 Div for average of 10 Pk-Pk readings, Variable gain settings
SFDR including harmonics ≥ 40dB
DC Gain Accuracy < ± 3.0%: 5mV/div to 5V/div in Fixed Gain Ranges
< ± 4.0%:typical for 2mV/div and Variable Gain Ranges
DC Measurement Accuracy:
All Gain settings ≤100mV/div
± [3%X (|reading|+|offset|) +1% of |offset| +0.2div+2mV]
DC Measurement Accuracy:
All Gain settings>100mV/div
± [3%X (|reading|+|offset|) +1% of |offset| +0.2div+100mV]
Math operation +,-, *,FFT
FFT Window mode: Hanning, Hamming, Blackman, Rectangular
Bandwidth limiter 20MHz ± 40% Typical (Note: BW limited below 20MHz ± 40% when using probe X1)

Trigger System

Trigger Types Edge, Pulse Width, Video, Slope, Alternative
Trigger Modes Auto, Normal, Single
Trigger Sources Ch1-2, EXT, EXT/5, AC Line
Trigger Coupling AC, DC, LF rej, HF rej
Trigger Level Range CH1, CH2: ±6divisions from center of screen
EXT: ±1.2V
EXT/5: ± 6V
Trigger Level Accuracy (typical) applicable for the signal of rising and falling time ≥ 20ns Internal: ±(0.2 div×V/div)( within ± 4 divisions from center of screen)
EXT: ±(6% of setting + 40 mV)
EXT/5: ±(6% of setting + 200 mV)
Edge Trigger Edge type: Rising, Falling, Rising and Falling
Pulse Width Trigger Trigger Modes: (>,<,=) Positive Pulse Width, (>,<,=)Negative Pulse Width Pulse Width Range: 20ns-10s
Video Trigger Support signal Formats: PAL/SECAM, NTSC
Trigger condition: odd field, even field, all lines, line Num
Slope Trigger (>,<,=) Positive slope, (>,<,=)Negative Slope
Time: 20ns-10s
Alternative Trigger CH1 trigger type: Edge, Pulse, Video, Slope
CH2 trigger type: Edge, Pulse, Video, Slope

Control Panel Function

Auto Set Auto adjusting the Vertical, Horizontal system and Trigger Position
Save/Recall Support 2 Group referenced Waveforms, 20 Group setups, 20 Group captured Waveforms internal
Storage/Recall function and USB flash driver storage function.

Hard Ware Frequency Counter

Reading resolution 6 Bytes
Accuracy ± 0.01%
Range DC Couple, 10Hz to MAX Bandwidth
Signal Types Satisfying all Trigger signal (Except Pulse width trigger and Video Trigger)

Acquisition System

Sample Types Real time, Equivalent time
Memory Depth Channel Mode Sampling Rate Short memory Long Memory
Single Channel 1GS/s 40kpts No Support
Single Channel 500 MSa/s or lower 20 Kpts 2 Mpts
Double Channels 500 MSa/s or lower 20 Kpts 1 Mpts
Sample Mode Sample, Peak Measure, Average
Averages 4,16,32,64,128,256

Measure System

Auto Measure Vpp, Vmax, Vmin, Vamp, Vtop, Vbase, Vavg, Mean, Crms, Vrms, ROVShoot, FOVShoot, RPREShoot, FPREShoot, Rise time, Fall time, Freq, Period, +Wid, -Wid, +Dut, -Dut, Bwid, Phase, FRR, FRF, FFR, FFF,LRR,LRF, LFR, LFF
Cursor Measure Manual mode, Track mode and Auto mode


Display Mode Color TFT 7″ diagonal Liquid Crystal Display
Resolution 480 horizontal by 234 vertical pixels
Display Color 64K color
Display Contrast (Typical state) 150:1
Backlight Intensity (Typical state) 300
Wave display range 8 x 18 div
Wave Display Mode Point, Vector
Point, Vector Off, 1 sec, 2 sec, 5 sec, Infinite
Menu Display 2 sec, 5 sec, 10 sec, 20 sec, Infinite
Skin Succinct
Screen saver 1min, 2min, 5min, 10min,15min, 30min, 1hour, 2hour, 5hour, off
Waveform Interpolation Sin(x)/x, Linear
Color model Normal , Invert
Language English, French, German, Russian, Spanish, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Portuguese,
Japanese, Korean, Italian, Arabic
Interface USB Host, USB Device, RS232, Pass/Fail output

Power Supply

Input Voltage 100-240 VAC, CAT II, Auto selection
Frequency Scope 45 Hz to 440 Hz
Power 50VA Max

General Characteristics

Dimension (L × W × H), mm 399 × 110,5 × 148,5
Weight 2.4 kg


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Mitra Geologi

Mitra Geologi merupakan sebuah situs belanja online yang bergerak dalam berbagai bidang industri, Pertambangan, Pertanahan, Kontruksi, dan berbagai industri lainnya. Seperti Digital Instrument, GPS (Global Positioning System), Surveying Instruments, Test dan Measurement, Radio dan Satelite Communication, Telecommunication, Peralatan Marine/Kelautan, Alat Teknik, Alat Ukur/Uji Beton, Perkakas dan Peralatan Geologi. Jasa Melayani Jasa Pengurusan Perizinan Frekuensi Radio Komunikasi. Mengerjakan Pembuatan dan Pemasangan Tower, Pemasangan Repeater Radio Komunikasi, ssb, Base Station, Pemasangan Radio Mobil, Radio Marine, dll.. Jasa Melayani Jasa Pengurusan Perizinan Frekuensi Radio Komunikasi. Mengerjakan Pembuatan dan Pemasangan Tower, Pemasangan Repeater Radio Komunikasi, ssb, Base Station, Pemasangan Radio Mobil, Radio Marine, dll. Untuk Pemesanan dan Informasi Harga Terbaik, Hubungi : Faisal Roni Zayini HP : 081388031624 / 087721761438 / 081274087466 PIN BB : 28BB71E8 / 5B78DEE3 Email : Office : Jalan Ciptomangunkusumo perumahan mahkota simpprug blok B14 No. 6 Tangerang selatan. Tlp : 021-29040157 Fax : 021-34617569
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