OWON SDS8302 SmartDS Digital Oscilloscope (300MHz)

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Spesifikasi OWON SDS8302 SmartDS Digital Oscilloscope (300MHz)

OWON SDS8302 SmartDS Digital Oscilloscope (300MHz)

Main Features

  • Bandwidth : 300MHz
  • Sample rate : 2.5GS/s
  • 10M record length for each channel
  • Multi-function : auto-scale, Pass / Fail, and current-measuring
  • LAN remote control
  • Newly supported SCPI
  • Smart design with easy portability
  • Large 8 inch 800 x 600 pixels display
  • Optional battery available



  • Electronic circuit debugging
  • Circuit testing
  • Design and manufacture
  • Education and training
  • Automobile maintenance and testing







Sample Rate


Horizontal Scale (s/div)

1ns/div~100s/div, step by1~2~5

Rise Time



8”color LCD, 800 x 600 pixels, 65535 colors


2 + 1 (external)

Record Length

Max 10M

Input Coupling

DC, AC, and GND

Input Impedance

1MΩ ± 2%, in parallel with 10pF ± 5pF

Channel Isolation

50MHz : 100 : 1, 10MHz : 40 : 1

Max Input Voltage

400V (PK – PK) (DC + AC, PK – PK)

DC Gain Accuracy


DC Accuracy

average≥16 : ±(3% reading + 0.05 div) for △V

Probe Attenuation Factor

1X, 10X, 100X, 1000X

LF Respond (AC, -3dB)

≥10Hz (at input, AC coupling, -3dB)

Sampling Rate / Relay Time Accuracy



sin (x) / x

Interval (△T) Accuracy  (full bandwidth)

Single:±(1 interval time + 100ppm × reading + 0.6ns); Average>16 : ±(1 interval time    + 100ppm × reading + 0.4ns)

Vertical Resolution (A/D)

8 bits resolution (2 channels simultaneously)

Vertical Sensitivity


Trigger Type

Edge, Pulse, Video, Slope, Alternate

Trigger Mode

Auto, Normal, Single

Trigger Level

±6 divisions from screen center

Acquisition modes

Sample, Peak Detect, and Average

Line / Field Frequency (video)

NTSC, PAL and SECAM standard

Cursor Measurement

△V, and △T between cursors

Automatic Measurement

Vpp, Vavg, Vamp, Vrms, Freq, Period, Vmax, Vmin, Vtop, Vbase, Overshoot, Preshoot,

Rise Time, Fall Time, Delay A→B↑, Delay  A→B↓, +Width, -Width, +Duty, -Duty

Waveform Math

+, -, ×, ÷, FFT

Waveform Storage

15 waveforms

Lissajous  Figure Bandwidth

full bandwidth

Phase Difference

±3 degrees

Communication Interface

USB, USB flash disk storage, Pass / Fail, LAN, VGA (optional), or COM (optional)



Power Supply

100V – 240V AC, 50/60Hz, CAT Ⅱ

Power Consumption

< 24W


2A, T class, 250V

Battery (optional)

7.4V, 8000mA

Dimension (W × H × D)

340 × 155 × 70 (mm)

Weight (without package)

1.80 kg


The accessories subject to final delivery.

  • Power Cord
  • CD Rom
  • Manual
  • USB Cable
  • Probe
  • Probe Adjust
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