Davis Instruments 6334 Wireless Vantage Pro2™ ISS

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Spesifikasi Davis Instruments 6334 Wireless Vantage Pro2™ ISS

Description :

A versatile integrated sensor suite that combines our anemometer, rain collector, and temperature, humidity and solar irradiance sensors into one package.

This Integrated Sensor Suite includes all the sensors you need to measure solar energy potential or Evapotranspiration. Add a Vantage Pro2 console to create a local station; add a Weather Envoy and WeatherLink data logger to view data on your PC; or add Vantage Connect for a remote station with data communicated via cellular connection.

Add cellular-based, solar-powered Vantage Connect to upload your weather data to the Internet. Get real-time alerts for frost, evapotranspiration, high winds or other conditions you specify.


  • Wireless sensor suite with integrated sensors for temperature/humidity, rain and solar irradiance. Includes daytime fan-aspirated radiation shield for greater accuracy.
  • Detachable anemometer provides wind speed and direction and can be sited up to 40 ft. (12 m) above the other sensors.
  • Ability to add UV sensor.
  • Data updates every 2.5 seconds.
  • Wireless transmission from the sensor suite to Vantage Connect, a Vantage Pro2 console, or Weather Envoy up to 1,000 ft. (300 m) away.


  • Electronic components are housed in a weather-resistant shelter.
  • Wireless range is up to 1000 ft. (300 m) outdoors, line of sight. Typical range through walls under most conditions is 200 ft. to 400 ft. (60 m to 120 m)


  • (1) Solar powered Integrated Sensor Suite: Wireless sensor suite, Detachable anemometer with 40 ft. (12 m) cable, Solar panel
  • (1) Mounting hardware
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