WeatherLink Davis 6510USB, Windows

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Spesifikasi WeatherLink Davis 6510USB, Windows

Description :

Add WeatherLink to your Vantage Vue or Vantage Pro2. The data logger fits neatly into the weather station console or Weather Envoy, storing weather data even when it’s not connected to your PC.

Add this popular model of WeatherLink to any Vantage station or  Weather Envoy. Suitable for everyone from the home weather buff to the most demanding scientific user. Store weather data even when it’s not connected to a computer. Later, download the data and use the software for detailed analysis and graphing. Our popular WeatherLink with standard data logger is ideal for most purposes, while other models add special features designed for specific user groups.


  • Displays indoor and outdoor temperature and humidity
  • Graphs. Graph data on a daily, weekly, or yearly basis.
  • Compare Data. See current conditions at a glance with an instant weather bulletin or view multiple weather variables at the same time for comparison.
  • NOAA. Create Weather Watcher Reports in NOAA National Climatic Data Center Format.
  • More Weather Data. View weather information not available on the console, including heating degree days, cooling degree days, and fuel-oil demand.
  • Optional Sensor Reporting. With optional UV and solar radiation sensors, get details on sunburn risk and solar energy.
  • Moon Phase. With Vantage Pro2 and Vantage Vue, you can see the phase of the moon right on the console. But now even Perception and Weather Wizard III owners can view the phases of the moon using WeatherLink.


  • Compatibility: Data logger fits neatly into all of the following models: Vantage Pro, Vantage Pro2, Vantage Vue, and Weather Envoy.
  • Data Storage & Transfer:  User-Selectable Storage Interval. Choose 1, 5, 10, 15, 30, 60, or 120 minutes. Store up to six months’ worth of data depending on the storage interval. (Up to four months for Perception or Weather Wizard III.);  Standard Data Logger. Log and store data, even when the data logger is not connected to your PC. Transfer the data as often as you like, or leave the software running to transfer it automatically each day.
  • Requires Windows XP and above with an available USB port.
  • Available in a Serial version as model #6510SER.
  • Available for Mac as model #6520.


  • (1) Data logger
  • (1) Software on CD
  • (1) Download cable to connect the data logger to your computer
  • (1) Getting Started Guide and Online Help
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