GE Panametrics PT878 Portable Ultrasonic Flow Meter

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Spesifikasi GE Panametrics PT878 Portable Ultrasonic Flow Meter

Description :

The TransPort PT878 flowmeter packs big features into a compact, light package. Its built-in datalogger can store more than 100,000 data points and up to 32 sets of site location parameters. You can add an optional built-in ultrasonic thickness gage. Temperature transducers are available for measuring energy flow rate. The rechargeable battery provides six to eight hours of continuous remote operation. The unit has a built-in infrared port to transfer datalog, site and other files to your PC. A rugged, sealed enclosure provides IP67 submersibility to protect the PT878 if it should accidentally fall into water.

The PT878 is one of the most powerful portable liquid flowmeters available. It measures flow from outside plastic, metal or  concrete-lined pipes nonintrusively, so there’s no pressure drop, leaks  or contamination. Patented correlation algorithms resolve transit-time signals like no other flowmeter and allow the PT878 to measure flow in ultrapure to extremely dirty liquids such as raw sewage and slurries.


  • Small, lightweight and easy to use
  • Nonintrusive flow measurement
  • Velocity, volumetric and energy flow rates
  • Totalized flow and trend data
  • Large, backlit LCD display
  • A lphanumeric and graphic formats
  • Multiple-language user interface
  • Rechargeable battery pack
  • Logs over 100,000 flow data points
  • Submersible package
  • 32 site locations
  • Optional thickness gauge
  • Optional energy measurement
  • Suitable for most pipe sizes and materials, including lined pipes
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