Flow Meter Geopacks Advanced

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Detail Produk Flow Meter Geopacks Advanced

Flow Meter Geopacks Advanced


Description :

Flow Meter Geopacks Advanced : Now it’s even easier to measure the rate of flow of a stream. Geopacks have made some significant improvements to their already highly successful Advanced Flow Meter. Internally, the meter now incorporates an integrated 4Mb flash-drive that can record up to 500,000 flow readings into a CSV file. Even if the batteries fail or the meter loses power, your all important readings will not be lost and will remain safely within the flash-drive until power is restored. As a result of customer feedback, the operation of the meter is now much more tactile as the individual control keys give a solid ‘click’ when pressed.

The Geopacks Advanced Stream FlowMeter connects to the same sturdy impeller stick as the standard flow meter but boasts a much more sophisticated meter which does away with the need for conversion charts. The new meter displays velocity in units of metres per second or mph and has an inbuilt logger function that allows you to choose between manual logging and auto logging. Auto logging allows you to take a reading at programmed intervals, say every five minutes, and record the result. All readings are then stored in a CSV file that can easily be downloaded to your PC via the mini USB cable provided. Powered by a standard.

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