Liquid Leak Detector Fisher Labs XLT17

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Spesifikasi Liquid Leak Detector Fisher Labs XLT17

Detail Produk Liquid Leak Detector Fisher Labs XLT17

Liquid Leak Detector Fisher Labs XLT17 w/Big Foot Microphone

Liquid Leak Detector Fisher Labs XLT17

Description :

Fisher’s XLT-17 is a liquid leak detector that finds leaks in four easy steps: by electronically amplifying leak sounds, selectively filtering out noise, isolating the leak sound, and leading the operator to the source of the leak. The XLT-17 leak detector is built to perform and priced to compete. The XLT-17 comes standard with Fisher’s Multi-Sensor which has superior leak detection capabilities. The Multi-Sensor is in an extremely compact design with improved sensor electronics and better sensitivity to leaks.

2 Year Warranty: Fisher warrants the XLT-17 to be free of defects in materials and workmanship when it is shipped from the factory. The terms of this warranty are fully explained in a warranty registration card that accompanies the instrument. Complete factory and field service facilities support the warranty.


  • Detects and pinpoints liquid leaks in pipes
  • 4 Frequency Filters: Low Pass, High Pass, Band Pass and All Pass
  • Last setting memory feature
  • Touch-control keypad
  • Shielded sensor for reduced response to outside noise
  • Improved headset for clearer sound response
  • Automatic battery test – real time voltage level
  • Operates on two 9 volt batteries
  • Compact control box that can be worn around the neck or over the shoulder with an attachable strap
  • Heavy duty carrying case


  • Operating Frequency:  60 Hz – 6 kHz, Gain = 60 db; 20 Hz – 60 Hz, Gain > 55 dB
  • Filter Types and Frequency Ranges:   All Pass: 60 Hz to 6 kHz; Low Pass: Adjustable cut-off frequency from 150 Hz to 2.4 kHz; High Pass: Adjustable pass band frequency from 150 Hz to 2.4 kHz; Band Pass: Adjustable center frequency from 150 Hz to 2.4 kHz
  • Output Indications:  Audio: High performance headphones (64 ohms)
  • Visual: LCD bargraph and 2-digit numeric display
  • Grade of Protection: Splash Proof
  • Battery Test:  Automatic, real time battery level indicator
  • Battery Quantity/Type:  Two, 9 Volt alkaline
  • Battery Life:  50 Hours (approximate)
  • Carrying Case Dimensions:  21”x 6”x 14”
  • Weight:  10 lbs

What’s in the Box:

  • (1) Control Box
  • (1) Multi-Sensor
  • (1) Set Sound Rods
  • (1) Multi-Sensor Handle
  • (1) Sensor Cable
  • (1) Headphones
  • (1) Carrying Strap/Housing Mounting Bracket
  • (1) Heavy duty carrying case
  • (1) Manual
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