RainWise PORTLOG Weather Stations

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Spesifikasi RainWise PORTLOG Weather Stations

Developed for measuring and recording in remote areas, the RainWise Portable Weather Logger operates as a completely self contained system. No power is required. The solar/ battery supply powers the system continuously anywhere in the contiguous United States. Record rate is user selectable from once a minute to once an hour. The 128K non-volatile RAM will store up to 9 months of data at a one hour record rate. Windows based data retrieval software is provided for downloading stored data.

PORTLOG with all sensors, a battery charger, compass and ten foot rugged tripod are all contained in a sturdy lockable shipping case. All the sensors are traceable to NIST. The PORTLOG can be completely set up and made operational by one person in less than 3 minutes.


Wind Speed Range: 0 – 150 mph
Wind Speed Accuracy: ± 2 percent of full scale
Wind Direction Range: 0-360 with 1 degree resolution
Wind Direction Accuracy: ± 3 degrees
Relative Humidity Range: 0 – 100 percent
Relative Humidity Accuracy: ± 2 percent from – 40 to 65 degrees Celsius
Temperature Range: -66 to 150 degrees Fahrenheit ( -54 to 65 degrees Celsius)
Temperature Accuracy: ± 2.0 degrees Fahrenheit ( ± 1.0 degrees Celsius)
Dew Point Range: -40 to 110 degrees Fahrenheit ( -40 to 43 degrees Celsius)
Dew Point Accuracy: ± 4 degrees Fahrenheit ( ± 2 degrees Celsius)
Barometer Range: 10.2 inches Hg to 37.4 inches Hg ( 300 to 1100 millibars ( hPa)
Barometer Accuracy: ± 0.01 inches Hg ( ± 0.5 millibars ( hPa) at 25 degrees Celsius ( after local offset adjustment)
Barometer temperature compensated from – 40 to 85 degrees Celsius
Rainfall Range: Unlimited tipping bucket with 8 inch diameter collector.
Rainfall Resolution: 0.01 inch ( 0.25 mm)
Rainfall Accuracy: ± 2 percent at 1.0 inches per hour
Solar Radiation Range: 0 to 2, 000 watts per square meter
Solar Radiation Response: 400 to 1, 200 nanometers
Solar Radiation Accuracy: Maximum ± 5.0 percent – typical ± 3.0 percent
Made in the USA

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