Leica Disto S910 | Laser Distance Meter Leica S910

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Spesifikasi Leica Disto S910 | Laser Distance Meter Leica S910

Detail Produk Leica Disto S910 | Laser Distance Meter Leica S910

Leica Disto S910 ini produk terbaru dari Leica Disto dengan spesifikasi tinggi dan fitur fitur yang canggih. Dengan jarak 300 M memudahkan pekerjaan anda.

Product Information and Details Leica Disto S910 | Laser Distance Meter Leica S910

Features of the Leica DISTO S910 :

  • 300 m range with X-Range Power Technology
  • Pointfinder with 4x zoom and overview camera
  • Take pictures and screenshots and download them via USB
  • Save all the measured points into a DXF file, as a floor plan, wall layout or even as 3D data, which can be downloaded later in the office to a PC via the USB interface.
  • Measure with the picture
  • Distance measurement „ Minimum / maximum measurements „ Area / volume measurements „ Painter function
  • Tilt measurement „ Smart Horizontal Mode „ Sloped Object Measurement
  • Point-to-Point measurements „ Smart Angle Measurement, „ Smart Area Measurement
  • Height Tracking, height profile measurements
  • DXF data capture „ WLAN data transmission „
  • Bluetooth® SMART, free App – Leica DISTO sketch 2.0
  • Rechargeable Li-Ion battery

Leica DISTO S910 – Measure & Document with Pictures

Leica DISTO S910 - Measure from point to point

Measure from point to point

Equipped with P2P Technology, the Leica DISTO S910 revolutionizes the measurement process using a hand held laser distance meter. The integrated Smart Base enables measurements between any two points from one location. The combination of the Smart Base and the integrated tilt sensor opens up completely new possibilities making the Leica DISTO S910 the most versatile laser distance meter on the market.

Leica DISTO S910 - Capture measurement data in DXF format

Capture measurement data in DXF format

Another world’s first! The Leica DISTO S910 can save all the measured points into a DXF file, as a floor plan, wall layout or even as 3D data, which can be downloaded later in the office to a PC via the USB interface. To provide you with complete and reliable documentation, the Leica DISTO S910 also stores all the pictures showing where you measured to. This simplifies the task of creating more accurate drawings, or  smoothes the process of quality checks.

Leica DISTO S910 - Real-time transfer of point data

Real-time transfer of point data

Measurement data can be transferred directly on site over the WLAN interface to a portable computer to use with your preferred software. The connection is extremely easy to setup. The S910 can transmit unlimited data points, or store up to 30 points per file – with or  without pictures. Create or check documentation in real-time. The free Leica DISTO Transfer with Plugin software also supports the transfer of your results into AutoCAD® and BricsCAD®. The DISTO S910 is ideal for measuring internal building layouts, especilally where there there are angled or curved walls.

Leica DISTO S910 - 300 m range with X-Range Power Technology

300 m range with X-Range Power Technology

With the innovative X-Range Power Technology on board, the Leica DISTO S910 represents the measuring technology of the future. It achieves ranges of up to 300 m / 984ft and guarantees the best measuring performance, i.e. quick and reliable measurements, even to poorly reflecting objects or in bright sunshine. The range and accuracy are tested in accordance with ISO 16331-1. Consequently, the Leica DISTO™ S910 keeps its promises.

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