Laser Distance Meter Bosch DLE-40

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Spesifikasi Laser Distance Meter Bosch DLE-40

Detail Produk Laser Distance Meter Bosch DLE-40

Laser Distance Meter Bosch DLE-40

Product Details

Additional information regarding Laser Distance Measures

Laser measures are extremely accurate. They are ideal for indoor or  outdoor use, however use outdoors may require the user to use laser googles to enhance spotting of the laser in bright sunlight or for distances over around 40 metres.

If using for measurements over 40-50 metres outside it is advisable to buy a model with an optical or digital viewfinder as the laser is often unable to be seen over 30 metres ( 40 if using light enhancing glasses) in natural light.

Please also note that lower end models do not usually come with any weather protection and can fail to function if exposed to water or  moisture whereas models with IP54 have some form of weather protection. Many enhanced models offer added functions that enable angles, room dimensions and volumes to be calculated.

They are ideal for estate agents, building, construction industry and any other application that requires fast accurate measurements.

Features Bosch DLE-40 :

– Functional: all basic measuring functions available
– Easy to use: one function per button
– Accuracy of ± 1.5mm: for precise and reliable results
– Handy & robust ( IP 54) : a tool for craftsmen

Specifications Bosch DLE-40 :

Measuring range – 0.05 to 40m
Typical measuring accuracy – ± 1.5mm
Lowest indication unit – 1mm
Laser class – 2
Laser type – 635nm, < 1mW
Dust and splash water guard – IP 54
Power supply Batteries: 4 × 1.5 V LR03 ( AAA)
Rechargeable batteries: 4 × 1.2 V LR03 ( AAA)
Battery service life, approx. ( lower for rechargeable batteries) – 30, 000 individual measurements, 5, 000 continuous measurement
Automatic switch off after approx. – 20s ( laser)
5 min ( tool) – Yes
Tripod adapter – 1 / 4 ”
Dimension – 100 × 58 × 32mm
Weight – 180g

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