X-800 Offshore Personnel Transfer Net Billy Pugh Co
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Spesifikasi X-800 Offshore Personnel Transfer Net Billy Pugh Co
Many years ago in the infancy of the offshore industry, people were transported to and from offshore rigs and platforms with the use of a cargo net. Personnel would hang on to the outside of the net and be moved from boat to rig. Billy Pugh figured out quickly that this was a formula for some serious accidents. A new device was then designed by Billy Pugh as a safe transfer system that allowed personnel to embark and disembark quickly and safely. The Billy Pugh Personnel Transfer Net allowed workers to have the sensation of being inside the device, but also allows the freedom to get off and away from danger when in rough sea conditions.
The Billy Pugh personnel net became the industry standard all over the world. It has saved and protected millions of riders over the years and is a symbol of the offshore industry. Many a new offshore employee remembers his or her first ride on a personnel transfer net; it is almost a rite of passage. There have been many attempts to improve or even replace the personnel net but the basic idea and design is still in use around the world.
The X-800 is valid for 2 years from the In Service Date which is the date the device is removed from its packaging.
Abadi Teknik
Company ProfileAneza Industri Atau juga abadi teknik safety salah satu jenis usaha yang bergerak dalam bidang jasa penjualan perlengkapan alat keselamatan diri dalam bekerja. Berbasiskan teknologi internet Abadi Teknik Safety mulai beroperasi pada September 2010, sejak saat itu kami berusaha melayani pelanggan kami dengan pelayanan terbaik yang bisa kami berikan. Produk kami telah mencapai standar terorganisir dalam industri produk keamanan seperti AS, ANSI, EN, dll Dengan pengalaman dan keahlian kami, kami dapat merekomendasikan klien kami produk yang tepat untuk memenuhi kebutuhan specifig mereka. Visi - Menjadi mitra pilihan di antara semua distributor produk kesehatan dan keselamatan misi - Untuk mempromosikan dan mendidik pelanggan penggunaan kesehatan kualitas dan keamanan prodcuts - Untuk meningkatkan kesadaran pekerja tentang kesehatan dan keselamatan - Untuk menyediakan harga yang kompetitif dan pelayanan .Kami juga mempunya produk tangga telescopic dan tangga multifungsi
Abadi Teknik
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