Automatic Sliding Door
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Spesifikasi Automatic Sliding Door
Safety Features
The door will automaticcally reverse during the closing cycle when meeting resistance from a person or an object. In case of power failure, the door can be easily opened and closed by hand.
High Efficiency Micro-computer Control Set
The micro-computer will run command accurately with free control on speed adjustment.
Easy Installation and Adjustment
The automatic door system can be easily installed and adjusted. all major components are attached in the aluminium mounting base which can be supplied at any length. the door opening width can be easily adjusted through the adjustment screws.
Smooth Operation
The best performance which is developed on the latest technology provides speedy and smooth operation.
The door will automaticcally reverse during the closing cycle when meeting resistance from a person or an object. In case of power failure, the door can be easily opened and closed by hand.
High Efficiency Micro-computer Control Set
The micro-computer will run command accurately with free control on speed adjustment.
Easy Installation and Adjustment
The automatic door system can be easily installed and adjusted. all major components are attached in the aluminium mounting base which can be supplied at any length. the door opening width can be easily adjusted through the adjustment screws.
Smooth Operation
The best performance which is developed on the latest technology provides speedy and smooth operation.
PT.Tunas Wijaya Sakti Bandung
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PT.Tunas Wijaya Sakti Bandung
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