Antropometri Kit Balita dan Dewasa || Antropometri Kit || Alat Ukur Balita Antropometri Kit

Minimum Pembelian
1 Set
Maximum Pembelian
100 Set
3 Hari Setelah Pembayaran
Jawa Barat - Depok - Sukmajaya
Rp. 123
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27.031 kali
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Spesifikasi Antropometri Kit Balita dan Dewasa || Antropometri Kit || Alat Ukur Balita Antropometri Kit

Antropometri Kit Balita dan Dewasa || Antropometri Kit || Alat Ukur Balita Antropometri Kit
Paket Antropometri Kit

Antropometri Kit Balita dan Dewasa || Antropometri Kit || Alat Ukur Balita Antropometri Kit
Model : 01293 / 01294 / J00305 / F00570
Negara Asal : USA
1. Antropometer Besar
Details :
The Large Bone Caliper are sliding anthropometric calipers
  used to measure a straight-line distance between two landmarks.
  The Large Bone Caliper has a range of 0 to 60 cm in 0.1 cm increments
  (with an accuracy of 0.5mm). Popular uses include measuring shoulder width, 
  long bone length and chest depth for tracking growth, and development
  of children or for use in motion analysis studies. The sliding C-shaped 
  arm to provides accurate and precise measurements.
2. Antropometer Kecil
Details :
The Small Bone Calipers are sliding anthropometric calipers used 
  to measure a straight-line distance between two landmarks. Our Small 
  Bone Caliper has a range of 0 to 30 cm in 0.1 cm increments 
  (with an accuracy of 0.5mm). Popular uses include measuring wrist, elbow, 
  knee, and ankle widths, as well as measuring smaller muscle masses
  like the bicep and calf. The sliding C-shaped arm provides accurate
  and precise measurements.
3. 60 inch Anthropometric Tape 
Details :
Provides precise circumferential measurement for 
  progressive anthropometric exams,
  regardless of examiner measurement techniques. 
  Contains spring attachment for constant tension
  and precision. Tape measures in inches and centimeters.
4. Flexible Tape Measure
Details :
Measure up to 60 inches with this flexible, retractable tape.
  When the tape is extended, it locks in place until
  the release button is depressed. 
  Units are in centimeters and inches.


Tampilkan Lebih Banyak

Sitoho Lamsukses PT

Distributor Peralatan Uji Kualitas Lingkungan

(Environmental Equipment, Science and Laboratory Supply)
Pelanggan Yang Terhormat, Kami PT. Sitoho Lamsukses - INDONESIA
adalah perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang mendistribusikan alat monitoring lingkungan, Laboratory, Alat ukur atau alat Kesehatan Lingkungan. Sebagai Sole Agent, Distributordi Indonesia untuk produk : Haz Dust, Sensonic Madur Electronic, Kimo Instruments, E Instruments, HI-Q Environmental, Staplex, Sensit Technologies, Vzor, Partech Instruments, Aco co, Labomed Inc. (Water test kit, Alat Kesehatan Lingkungan, Alat Monitoring Lingkungan, Kit Kesehatan Lingkungan, Water quality monitor, Sanitarian field kit, Food security kit, Food contamination test kit, Bacteriology test kit, Gas analyser, Flue gas analyser, Gas detector, Analitical balance, Soil test kit, Dust monitor, High volume air sampler, Ergonomi dan evaluation test). 
Tampilkan Lebih Banyak
Ruko Sukmajaya No.35, Jl. Tole Iskandar , Depok Indonesia
Jawa Barat - Depok
Login Terakhir 26-02-2025

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