Water Test Kit Type PL01B-32P | Water Test Kit PL01B-32P | Jual Water Test Kit

Prime Lab
Minimum Pembelian
1 Unit
Maximum Pembelian
1000 Unit
3 Hari Setelah Pembayaran
Jawa Barat - Depok - Sukmajaya
Rp. 123
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431 kali
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Spesifikasi Water Test Kit Type PL01B-32P | Water Test Kit PL01B-32P | Jual Water Test Kit

Water Test Kit Type PL01B-32P alat monitoring kualitas air untuk Faktor Kimia, Faktor Fisik dan Faktor Biology.
Jual Water Test Kit Non E-katalog di Indonesia dengan harga yang kompetitif.
Informasi harga Water Test Kit dapat di email ke : pauli.ptsitoho@gmail.com atau SMS : 0823.6966.9711

Water Test KIt
Type : PL1B-32P
Product : Prime Lab (Germany)

Specification :

1. Photometer
Unit range   : 380nm - 780nm   
Data Transmission    : Built-in Bluetooth module   
Calibration               : Auto Calibration   
Display         : Graphical LCD   
Internal memory     : 100 data record   
Languages   : German, English, Spanish, French 
Clock / date   : RTC (real-time clock) with  data function
Auto-off   : Default 10 minutes   
Power   : (4) AAA 1,5V batteries or  
    : 240VAC 50/60Hz   
Keypad   : 5 button   
Size / weight   : 175mm x 88m x 59mm / 160g   
Reagent Test 
Alkalinity : 0-500 mg/l (50 test)
Aluminium  : 0-0.3 mg/l (50 test)
Ammonia  : 0-1 mg/l  (50 test)
Boron : 0-2 mg/l (50 test)
Bromide : 0-13 mg/l (50 test)
Besi  : 0-1 mg/l, (50 test)
Chlorida  : 0-100 mg/l (50 test)
Chlorine : 0-8.00 mg/l (50 test)
Chromium : 0-2.2 mg/l (50 test)
COD : 0-150 mg/l (50 test)
COD : 0-1500 mg/l (50 test)
Fluoride : 0-2 mg/l (50 test)
Iodide : 0-28 mg/l (50 test)
Kesadahan : 20-500mg/l (50 test)
Magnesium : 0-100 mg/l (50 test)
Mangan  : 0.2-5 mg/l (50 test)
Molybdate : 0-15 mg/l (50 test)
Nickel : 0-7 mg/l (50 test)
Nitrat  : 0-11 mg/l (50 test)
Nitrit   : 0-1500 mg/l (50 test)
Ozone : 0-5.4 mg/l (50 test)
Phosphate : 0-80 mg.l (50 test)
Phosphorus : 0-52 mg/l (50 test)
Potasium : 0.7-12 mg/l (50 test)
Seng : 0-1 mg/l  (50 test)
Sianida : 0.01-0.5 mg/l (50 test)
Sulfat  : 5-100 mg/l (50 test)
Sulphide : 0.04-0.5 mg/l (50 test)
Suspended Solid : 0-750 mg/l (tanpa reagent)
Tembaga : 0-5 mg/l (50 test)
Turbidity : 0-1000 NTU (adapter/tanpa reagent)
Urea : 0.2-5 mg/l (50 test)
2. Pocket Multiparameter Tester (pH/mV/CON/TDS/Sal/Temp
pH ./ Resolution  : -2 to 16 pH / 0.01  
mV / Resolution  : ± 1000 / ± 0.1/1 mV  
Conductivity/Resolution  : 0 to 200 µS / Automatic scala  
    : 0 to 2000 µs, 0 to 20 mS  
TDS / Accuracy  : 0,1 ppm to 10 ppt / ±1% full scala  
Salinity  : 0.01 to 10 g/l  
Temperature / Accuracy  : 0 to 50 °C (unit  °C /°F) / ±0.2°C  
Unit  : °C/°F  
Auto off  : 8 min after last key pressed  
Display  : Dual 3 color backlit LCD  
IP protection  : IP 67  
Power Supply  : 4x1,5V AAA batteries  
Battery life  : >200 Hrs  
Size / Weight  : 35 x 175 /130 g
3. Portable DO Meter
Range  : 0 ~ 20 ppm 
    : 0 ~ 200 % O2 Saturation 
    : 0 ~ 50 ºC Temperature 
Accuracy  : ± 0.05 : ± 0.04 (O2 Saturation) 
    : ± 0.3 (temperature) 
Dimension  : 85 (W) x 155 (H) x 35 (D)mm 
Weight  : 300 g 
Power  : Two AA Batteries Battery life 
    : up to 2000 hours 
4. Test Kit Uji Bakteri Air
Coliform & E-Coli : 80 Test
Salmonella : 80 Test
5. Accessories
Photometer Water Analysis  
Glass Vial 4 x 24mm/10mm 
Syringe 10 ml (1 pcs) 
Plastic Stirring rod (1 pcs) 
Cleaning brush (1 pcs) 
Battery AAA (4 pcs) 
DC adapter 220V  
Bluetooth-USB dongle 
CD-Rom with Software
Turbidity Adapter (1 pcs) 
Constant Temperature Incubator (1 unit)
  Range : 5 ~ 65 °C , PID Proggram 
  Reactor type  : Dry temperature control device 
  Vial cells  : 16 cells shafts, 16mm ±0.2mm 
  Accuracy  : ±1˚C(±1 digit)  
  Heating   : 25°C to 100˚C approx. 5 min. 
    : 25°C to 120˚C approx. 6 min. 
    : 25°C to 150˚C approx.9 min. 
    : 25°C to 165˚C approx.11 min. 
    : 25°C to 199˚C approx. 15 min. 
  Prog. Temp  : 50˚C to 199˚C 
  Power supply  : 220 VAC ±10%, 50/60 Hz 
Pocket Multiparameter tester (1pcs) 
Extra cap for calibration 
55ml pH7 dan pH4 warna buffer solution 
10ml electrode storage solution 
55ml 1413µS Conductivity standard solution  
Neck strap, paper towel, 4x1.5V AAA battery 
Portable DO Meter (1 pcs)
DO Electrolit
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Sitoho Lamsukses PT

Distributor Peralatan Uji Kualitas Lingkungan

(Environmental Equipment, Science and Laboratory Supply)
Pelanggan Yang Terhormat, Kami PT. Sitoho Lamsukses - INDONESIA
adalah perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang mendistribusikan alat monitoring lingkungan, Laboratory, Alat ukur atau alat Kesehatan Lingkungan. Sebagai Sole Agent, Distributordi Indonesia untuk produk : Haz Dust, Sensonic Madur Electronic, Kimo Instruments, E Instruments, HI-Q Environmental, Staplex, Sensit Technologies, Vzor, Partech Instruments, Aco co, Labomed Inc. (Water test kit, Alat Kesehatan Lingkungan, Alat Monitoring Lingkungan, Kit Kesehatan Lingkungan, Water quality monitor, Sanitarian field kit, Food security kit, Food contamination test kit, Bacteriology test kit, Gas analyser, Flue gas analyser, Gas detector, Analitical balance, Soil test kit, Dust monitor, High volume air sampler, Ergonomi dan evaluation test). 
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Ruko Sukmajaya No.35, Jl. Tole Iskandar , Depok Indonesia
Jawa Barat - Depok
Login Terakhir 26-02-2025

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