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LFE / LFEE-P series fluorescent light fittings are normally used in the chemical and petrochemical plants, off-shore platforms, refineries and any other industry where hazardous atmospheres (gas and combustible dust) are potentially present.
The LFE / LFEE-P range of Zone 1 Lighting has been designed to meet the main requirements of illumination of working areas and to grant a safely evacuation of the plant in case of black-outs.
The materials used to manufacture the LFE - LFEE P series have been studied to grant the maximum protection against the highly corrosive agents present in these industries:
the body in glass fiber reinforced polyester (GRP), provides a very high mechanical strength together with a good resistance against the UV ray effects;
the transparent diffuser in UV ray resistance polycarbonate has a self-extinguishing property according to Standard UL 94;
the gasket on cover grants an IP66 protection level ;
the closing system in one single spot, apart from facilitating greatly the maintenance operations, is itself a guarantee of first-rate holding system since it provides a constant pressure of seals over all the perimeter of the diffuser ;
the internal electrical components are fully sealed to prevent any corrosive action that could cause electrical faults;
the body has two cable entries M25x1.5 on one side and one cable entry M25x1.5 on the opposite side so to allow any loop-in loop-out installation. On request it’s possible to have two cable entries M25x1.5 on both sides;
all the light fittings are equipped, as standard, with one cable gland and two stopping plugs in polyamide, Atex certified. Other materials or combinations are available as option;
two kinds of lampholder: G13 for traditional T8 fluorescent tubes and G5 for new generation of T5 fluorescent tubes;
electronic ballast, equipped with some self-protective functions, works with a multirange voltage and has a two-supply circuit design so to continue to energize one fluorescent tube in case the second one is faulty;
internal circuit is protected by fuses so to minimize any possible problems caused by over-voltage during normal operation;
Lampu Explosion Proof
PT. Alvitama Sentosa Perusahaan yang mengkhususkan diri pada Peralatan Proof Explosion sebagai berikut :
Produk Supermec : Box Panel Explosion proof, Junction Box Explosion proof, Lighting (flourescent TL / LED lampu sorot Explosion proof).
Produk Euromotori : Elektromotor Explosion proof (pompa / dinamo).
Produk Auer Signaling Equipment Explosion proof (telepon, loudspeaker, LED beacon, Sirene motor, Sounders).
Produk PCE Plug dan soket industrial : CEE Plug, CEE Socket, Taurus, Schuko, Nautilus IP 68, Switch Interlocked Socket. Alvilite Lighting.
Penerangan Lampu Industrial untuk Perkantoran, Perumahan, Pabrik, dan Gudang.
Lampu Fluorescent TL / LED dengan material penutup Fiber, Alumunium, dan Stainlesssteel.
Produk Alvi Box Industrial Box Panel yang diperuntukan aplikasi pada perkantoran, Pergudangan, dan Area Pabrik (Outdoor / Indoor) dengan material Box, Stainless Steel, dan Carbon Steel.
Kami akan memberikan ketersediaan produk explosion proof dan industrial dengan mutu berkualitas dengan melihat kebutuhan pelanggan, sehingga konsumen akan mendapatkan produk yang tepat guna dalam pengaplikasian yang berkualitas tinggi.
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Taman Nagoya F 6 3 Puri Surya Jaya Gedangan Sidoarjo
Jawa Timur - Sidoarjo
Login Terakhir 18-06-2019
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