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FLDE series floodlights are normally used in the chemical and petrochemical plants, off-shore platforms, refineries and any other industry where hazardous atmospheres (gas and combustible dust) are potentially present. The FLDE range of ex-proof lighting has been designed to meet the main requirements of illumination of working areas.
The materials used to manufacture the FLDE series floodlights have been studied to grant the maximum protection against the highly-corrosive agents present in these industries:
·         body and cover in copper-free aluminium
·         external epoxy powder coating RAL 7001
·         screws in stainless steel
·         gasket on covers in silicone
·         window in thermoresistant glass sealed with auto-leveling silicone
Special attention has been dedicated to reduce the heating: the external back-side of housing is fully provided with cooling ribs to facilitate the heat outflow.
FLDE series floodlights have a symmetric optic and are equipped with a complete range of control gears as metal Halide, High Pressure sodium, Mercury Vapour and Halogen so to satisfy different illumination requirements inside hazardous areas classified as Zone 1 and/or 21.
FLDE series floodlights are normally supplied with control gears operating at 230V - 50/60 Hz. As an option it can be available in different voltages through a transformer or a multi-voltage control gear unit.
An integrated Ex e terminal box provides, through two cable entries, the loop-in loop-out wiring connection.
The materials used to manufacture the FLDE series floodlights have been studied to grant the maximum protection against the highly-corrosive agents present in these industries:
body and cover in copper-free aluminium
external epoxy powder coating RAL 7001
screws in stainless steel
gasket on covers in silicone
window in thermoresistant glass sealed with auto-leveling silicone
Special attention has been dedicated to reduce the heating: the external back-side of housing is fully provided with cooling ribs to facilitate the heat outflow.
certificate number: IECEx CML 16.0003X     IMQ 14 ATEX 018X
marking: Ex-proof Logo II 2GD Ex de IIB T2/T3 Gb      Ex tb IIIC T200/135°C Db
ambient temperature: -20°C +50°C
degree of protection: IP66
conformity: Directive ATEX 2014/34/EU
 IEC60079-0 / IEC60079-1 / IEC60079-7 / IEC60079-31
 EN60079-0 / EN60079-1 / EN60079-7 / EN60079-31
category: suitable for Zone 1 - 2 (gas) and Zone 21 - 22 (dust) 
Lampu Explosion Proof
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PT. Alvitama Sentosa Perusahaan yang mengkhususkan diri pada Peralatan Proof Explosion sebagai berikut : 
Produk Supermec : Box Panel Explosion proof, Junction Box Explosion proof, Lighting (flourescent TL / LED lampu sorot Explosion proof).
Produk Euromotori : Elektromotor Explosion proof (pompa / dinamo). 
Produk Auer Signaling Equipment Explosion proof (telepon, loudspeaker, LED beacon, Sirene motor, Sounders).
Produk PCE Plug dan soket industrial : CEE Plug, CEE Socket, Taurus, Schuko, Nautilus IP 68, Switch Interlocked Socket. Alvilite Lighting.
Penerangan Lampu Industrial untuk Perkantoran, Perumahan, Pabrik, dan Gudang.
Lampu Fluorescent TL / LED dengan material penutup Fiber, Alumunium, dan Stainlesssteel.
Produk Alvi Box Industrial Box Panel yang diperuntukan aplikasi pada perkantoran, Pergudangan, dan Area Pabrik (Outdoor / Indoor) dengan material Box, Stainless Steel, dan Carbon Steel.
Kami akan memberikan ketersediaan produk explosion proof dan industrial dengan mutu berkualitas dengan melihat kebutuhan pelanggan, sehingga konsumen akan mendapatkan produk yang tepat guna dalam pengaplikasian yang berkualitas tinggi.
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Taman Nagoya F 6 3 Puri Surya Jaya Gedangan Sidoarjo
Jawa Timur - Sidoarjo
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