TAKEMURA DM-15 Soil pH and Moisture Tester

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Jawa Timur - Surabaya
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Spesifikasi TAKEMURA DM-15 Soil pH and Moisture Tester

Use Although we are apt to think that proper amounts of manure and moisture added to the soil are sufficient for vegetable growth, excessive acidity or alkalinity or moisture dificiencies will inhibit the effective absorbtion of nutriments, Therefore, to grow good crops, careful attention must be paid to relationship between soil acidity and moisture.

* pH Range : 3-8 pH
* pH Resolution : 0.2 pH
* Humidity Range : 1-8 %
* Dimension : 48 ( W) x 48 ( H) x 160 ( L) mm
* Weight : 135g
* No need any power and consumables
* This meter will give you accurate readings of the pH in your soil and with the press of a button it will let you know how moist your soil is to help prevent you from over watering.
* An excellent gardening accessory for those gardeners that tend to over water and those that want to keep a close eye on their pH level. 
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Surabaya Alat Laboratorium TSI

Alat Instrument, Alat Laboratorium, Alat Lab, Scientific Instrument, Alat Laboratorium Pertanian, Alat Laboratorium Industri, Alat Laboratorium Kesehatan, Alat Laboratorium Fisika, Kimia, Biology, Alat Laboratorium Kualitas Air, Alat Laboratorium Lingkungan Hidup, dll
Tohodo Scientific Instruments 
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Surabaya Alat Laboratorium TSI

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DTC (Darmo Trade Center) LT.4 Blok A No.63 Jl. Raya Wonokromo Surabaya, Jawa Timur Surabaya, Jawa Timur Indonesia
Jawa Timur - Surabaya
Login Terakhir 07-01-2013
031- 77001340

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Rp. 64.800.000 / unit
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