Veterinary Vaporizer MKV-34WAN

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Spesifikasi Veterinary Vaporizer MKV-34WAN

Alat Kesehatan Hewan Spesifikasi : Veterinary Vaporizer  Isoflurane Vaporizer Exclusively for Veterinary Use Our vaporizers are recommendable especially for veterinarians who want to take good care of the vaporizer for a long time. KV Series Vaporizers are less influenced by variation of temperature and flow rate to deliver anesthetic gas with stable accuracy, and the safety anesthesia status is realized. Veterinary Vaporizer Capacity : 230 ml Concentration range adjustable : 0.5 ~ 5.0 % Weight : 7.2 kgs It adopts Lateral Kraan Method, and not influenced by temperature change, with stable concentration accuracy in wide range from low flow rate to high flow rate. This is High-End Model for users requesting high accuracy. Veterinary Vaporizer Capacity : 130 ml Concentration range adjustable : 0.5 ~ 5.0 % Weight : 5.0 kgs This is Entry Model excellent at cost-performance, and is more popular in various research institutes and hospitals to newly open and to add equipment.
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PT Mitrakultiva Utama

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PT Mitrakultiva Utama

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Login Terakhir 25-11-2019

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