jual alat ukur laboratorium,agen indonesia Hanna HI 991301

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Spesifikasi jual alat ukur laboratorium,agen indonesia Hanna HI 991301

  CALL A.WIHARTA 081294124885 085778084789 087784022201 HI 991301 has been designed to offer you pH, conductivity, total dissolved solids and temperature measurements all in a slim, lightweight, portable unit. From purified to brine water measurement, you can select the meter which will work best with your range of conductivity for greater precision. There are only 2 buttons, yet you can select from a range of calibration buffers and even the temperature scale ( ° C or ° F) most familiar to you. The housing is waterproof and rated for IP 67 conditions. The HI 1288 pre-amplified multiparameter probe features an easy to clean sensor and a cloth junction that can be pulled longer to increase the life of the probe. To ensure against interference from transient electrical noise, a solid-state amplifier is integrated into the HI 1288. User selectable features include different TDS factors from 0.45 to 1.00 and a range of temperature coefficients ( ² ) from 0.0 to 2.4% for greater consistency and reproducibility. Standardized buffer recognition values are also selectable. This instrument easily fits in the palm of your hand and the bottom probe connection ensures the electrode cable doesn’ t get in your way. The large, multi-level LCD displays the primary reading, temperature and calibration guides simultaneously.
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Karya Mandiri Instrument Indonesia

 Karya Mandiri Instrument Indonesia distributor supplier, Anemometer, Analitical Balance, Spectrophotometer, pHmeter, Laser survey, Micropipette, Peristaltic Pump, Flame photometer, Water bath heating cooling, Colorimeter, Water Strirer, Viscometer. Freezers, Refractometer, Polarimeter, Sound Level meter, Tachometer.

Karya Mandiri Instrument Indonesia adalah supplier peralatan laboratorium baik eletronik maupun mekanik, serta berbagai macam instrument measurement, dengan didukung dari berbagai macam merk dari negara negara Eropa, US, dan beberapa negara di Asia seperti Korea, Japan dan Taiwan. Instrument yang kami sediakan seperti : Anemometer, Analitical Balance, Spectrophotometer, pHmeter, Laser survey, Micropipette, Peristaltic Pump, Flame photometer, Water bath heating cooling, Colorimeter, Water Strirer, Viscometer. Freezers, Refractometer, Polarimeter, Sound Level meter, Tachometer. Dll Kami juga menerima jasa service( Repair alat laboratorium/instrument, alat ukur, Alat kesehatan) dan kalibrasi untuk peralatan laboratorium sesuai kemampuan kami.
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Karya Mandiri Instrument Indonesia

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Jl.Kramat III A No 29A, Lubang Buaya, Cipayung Jakarta Timur
DKI Jakarta - Jakarta Timur
Login Terakhir 26-11-2019

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