Carridge Filter
Spesifikasi Carridge Filter
Jenis-jenis catridge filter yang kami sediakan :
1. Wound cartridge filters
- Material: natural or synthetic yards, which are wounded around a central tube or former.
- Filtration of: sand, scale, lime, rust, fine particles.
- Applications: drinking water, boilers, washing machines, pre-filtration in water treatment, sea water desalination, process water, chemical processes...
- Filtration range: 0.5 - 150 micron
- Length: 5-10-20-30-40 "
2. Melt-Blown cartridge filters
- Material: one-piece cordless construction, consisting of pure polypropylene micro fibers, thermally bonded to prevent any fiber migration.
- Filtration of: sand, scale, lime, rust, fine particles
- Applications: Water treatment, pure water pre-filtration, fine chemicals, reverse osmosis, sea water desalination, beverages, solvents, cosmetics...
- Filtration range: 1-75 micron
- Length: 5-10-20-30-40 "
3. Activated carbon cartridge filters
- Material: Polypropylene fleece and net, or washed polypropylene yarn or polyester felt filtering medium and granular activated carbon
- Removal of: color, smell, taste contamination, pesticides, chlorine, organic substances.
- Applications: Potable water, washing machines, anti-chlorine treatment in alimentary, chemical and pharmaceutical industry, pre-treatment for reverse osmosis units
- Filtration range: 1-25 micron
- Length: 4-5-7-10-20-30 "
4. Stainless steel cartridge filters
- Material: stainless steel filtering net with a polypropylene inner core.
- Filtration of: sand, scales, rust.
- Applications: drinking water, washing machines, boilers, pre-filtration for pumps, irrigation systems, protection of industrial systems
- Filtration range: 70 micron
- Length: 4-5-7-10-20 "
5. Pleated cartridge filters
- Material: Pleated polypropylene or stainless steel filtering net with a polypropylene inner core.
- Filtration of: Sand, scales, rust.
- Applications: Drinking water, boilers, washing machines, pre-filtration of water pumps, irrigation systems, protection of industrial installations
- Filtration range: 50 micron
- Length: 4-5-7-10-20 "
6. Oil-Block cartridge filters
- Material: Polypropylene caps and outer shell filled with oil-block absorption media
- Removal of: free, dispersed and emulsified oils
- Applications: oil and gas industry, marine ballast and bilge water treatment systems, surface water, other industrial applications
- Length: 40 "
Ventura Water
Dengan mewujudkan Visi dan Misi perusahaan, PT VENTURA WATER mengutamakan keunggulan yang berkesinambungan baik dalam proses dan produknya dengan meningkatkan kualitas dari segala aspek dan hal ini dapat meningkatkan nilai perusahaan melalui kualitas produk, teknologi pengolahan air, pengolahan limbah, teknologi informasi, jaminan distribusi dan pelayanan serta kemampuan SDM. Improvement senantiasa dilakukan dengan langkah-langkah inovatif yang bersifat teknis untuk membangun dan mengembangkan teknologi pengolahan air dan limbah.
Visi : Menjadi perusahaan kelas dunia penyedia perlengkapan dan peralatan Pengolahan Air dan Pengolahan Limbah
Misi : Memenuhi kebutuhan seluruh lapisan masayarakat akan air bersih dan menjadikan lingkungan yang sehat dan bersih dengan menerapkan teknologi pengolahan air dan limbah yang efisien dan tepat guna
Ruang Lingkup Usaha
- Perdagangan peralatan dan material Pengolahan Air dan Pengolahan Limbah
- Jasa konsultasi dan supervisi bidang Teknologi Air dan Teknologi Limbah
Wilayah Pasar dan Cakupan Pelanggan
- Industri : Semua kalangan industri, perhotelan, perkantoran, niaga dan rumah sakit
- Domestik : Perumahan dan Apartemen