HD-1004 Personal Real-Time Particulate Air Monitor Haz Dust HD-1004 || Personal Particulate Monitor

Environmental Devices Corporation
Minimum Pembelian
1 Unit
Maximum Pembelian
1000 Unit
3 Hari Setelah Pembayaran
Jawa Barat - Depok - Sukmajaya
Rp. 123
Dilihat Sebanyak
1.344 kali
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Spesifikasi HD-1004 Personal Real-Time Particulate Air Monitor Haz Dust HD-1004 || Personal Particulate Monitor

Personal Real-Time Particulate Air Monitor ( Haz Dust/ HD-1004) USA
HD-1004 a
dalah Alat ukur debu yang terpapar pada perorangan.

Personal Direct Reading Aerosol Monitor
Model : HD-1004
Produk : Environmental DC (USA)
Fungsi : Alat Ukur debu yang terpapar pada Perorangan
Spesifikasi Alat :
Display : Alpha-numeric LCD-4line 20 character mg/m3
      concentration reading
Operation : Four key splash proof membrane swith
Calibration : NIOSH gravimetric reference-NIST traceable
Accuracy : ±10% to filter gravimetric SAE fine test dust
Particulate Range : 0.1 to 100μm
Precision : ±0.02 mg/m3
Sample Flow rate : 1.0-3.3 liters/minute
Filter Cassette : 37mm disposable
Recording time : 1 second to 21 weeks
Sampling rate : 1 second, 1 minute and 10 minutes intervals
Data storage : 21,500 data points
Memory/storage : > 5 years
Security Code : 4 digit combination
Clock/calender : Hours, minute, second, day, month & year
Data display : Concentration in mg/m3 & TWA, MAX,
      MIN, STEL, date & time
Software : WindowsTM Driven
Power : NiMH Rechargeable Battery
Operating Time : ≥ 8 hours
Dimension : 5.4" x 3.3" x 2.7" (Case) / 1.75"x1.5" (sensor)
Weight : 1,5 Lbs
Complete unit : Thoraric Sampling Head and Filter cassette blank
    : Computer cable, CD Pro Software, battre charge
    : Respirable Sampling Head
    : Inhalable Sampling Head
    : MCE Filter paper 37mm 0,8 pore size (50 sheet)
    : Calibration standard
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Sitoho Lamsukses PT

Distributor Peralatan Uji Kualitas Lingkungan

(Environmental Equipment, Science and Laboratory Supply)
Pelanggan Yang Terhormat, Kami PT. Sitoho Lamsukses - INDONESIA
adalah perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang mendistribusikan alat monitoring lingkungan, Laboratory, Alat ukur atau alat Kesehatan Lingkungan. Sebagai Sole Agent, Distributordi Indonesia untuk produk : Haz Dust, Sensonic Madur Electronic, Kimo Instruments, E Instruments, HI-Q Environmental, Staplex, Sensit Technologies, Vzor, Partech Instruments, Aco co, Labomed Inc. (Water test kit, Alat Kesehatan Lingkungan, Alat Monitoring Lingkungan, Kit Kesehatan Lingkungan, Water quality monitor, Sanitarian field kit, Food security kit, Food contamination test kit, Bacteriology test kit, Gas analyser, Flue gas analyser, Gas detector, Analitical balance, Soil test kit, Dust monitor, High volume air sampler, Ergonomi dan evaluation test). 
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Ruko Sukmajaya No.35, Jl. Tole Iskandar , Depok Indonesia
Jawa Barat - Depok
Login Terakhir 26-02-2025

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