Spectra SM-128 AA
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Minimum Pembelian
1 Unit
Dilihat Sebanyak
20 kali
Jawa Timur - Surabaya - Genteng
Rp. 2.940.000
+ Penawaran
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Spesifikasi Spectra SM-128 AA
Buy Spectra SM-128 AA from Bandar Electronic Signs is 100% safe, Because purchase products at Bandar Electronic Signs provide a 100% money back guarantee.products
Location Bandar Electronic Signs : Jl. Genteng Besar No 43 Surabaya,Phone/WhatsApp: +6281361557803 To purchase online visit us : www.bandar-electronic.com
Location Bandar Electronic Signs : Jl. Genteng Besar No 43 Surabaya,Phone/WhatsApp: +6281361557803 To purchase online visit us : www.bandar-electronic.com
Bandar Electronic Signs
Bandar Electronic Signs has been established from 2010 and to this day we continue to grow.
We're one of the largest distributors in Indonesia to provide Graphics Printing, Cutting Plotters, Large Format Solvent Printer,Photocopiers, Facsimile,Scaners,Laminator, Ink Printer,Printhead, Printerboard,Heat Press Machine and Copy Paper products.
since 2010 we have been working closely with several well-known brands such as Epson, Mimaki, Roland, Hp and many more.
they entrust our stores as a spearhead to market their products throughout the world.
Please check our web page www.bandar-electronic.com
there you can check out the entire product you want to buy.
for questions and confirm orders, you can contact us via email or whatsapp +6281361557803
We're one of the largest distributors in Indonesia to provide Graphics Printing, Cutting Plotters, Large Format Solvent Printer,Photocopiers,
since 2010 we have been working closely with several well-known brands such as Epson, Mimaki, Roland, Hp and many more.
they entrust our stores as a spearhead to market their products throughout the world.
Please check our web page www.bandar-electronic.com
there you can check out the entire product you want to buy.
for questions and confirm orders, you can contact us via email or whatsapp +6281361557803
Bandar Electronic Signs
Free Member
Jl. Genteng Besar No.43
Jawa Timur - Surabaya
Login Terakhir 01-06-2022
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