Blaine Air Permeability Apparatus H-3810 Humbolt

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Spesifikasi Blaine Air Permeability Apparatus H-3810 Humbolt

Blaine Air Permeability Apparatus H-3810 Humbolt

The Blaine Air Permeability Apparatus determines the fineness of Portland cement in terms of specific surface area expressed as the total surface area in square centimeters per gram of mortar or cement. The Blaine works by drawing a definite quantity of air through of bed of cement exhibiting a definitive porosity value. The number and size of the pores in a prepared bed of definite porosity is a function of the size of the particles and determines the rate of airflow through the bed. This procedure is outlined in ASTM C204, Method A and AASHTO T153.

The Humboldt Blaine Air Permeability Apparatus consists of: calibrated U-tube manometer, ground glass joint, stainless steel test cell and plunger, rubber aspirator bulb and perforated disc. Includes an 8 oz (226.8g) bottle of red manometer fluid, filter paper, wood block for holding test cell during filling and a funnel. Mounted on finished wood panel with rubber-footed base.

To perform this test, NIST Portland Cement #114q is required by the ASTM standard for calibration. See Accessories H-3817 and H-3817.20.



SRM 114q - Portland Cement Fineness Standard

This Standard Reference Material (SRM) is used in calibrating fineness testing equipment, such as the Blaine Air Permeability Apparatus, according to ASTM Standard Methods. The SRM unit consists of a glass vial with plastic caps containing powdered cement (each vial is contained in a sealed foil bag). Each vial contains approximately 5g of cement.


SRM 114q, Portland Cement Fineness Standard, 20-Pack

Package of 20, H-3817 individual vials. This Standard Reference Material (SRM) is used in calibrating fineness testing equipment according to ASTM Standard Methods. The SRM unit consists of a glass vial with plastic caps containing powdered cement (each vial is contained in a sealed foil bag). Each vial contains approximately 5g of cement.


Manometer fluid, 8oz (240ml) for Blaine Air Apparatus

Manometer fluid, 8oz (240ml) for use with Blaine Air Permeability Apparatus


Filter paper discs, for Blaine Air Apparatus

Filter paper discs, medium retentive, pkg 1000

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adalah perusahaan swasta nasional yang bergerak di bidang Hygiene Industri dan Kesehatan Lingkungan. Bertujuan untuk menjembatani dan memenuhi kebutuhan dunia industri khususnya dan masyarakat pada umumnya. perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang perdagangan barang dan jasa dengan meng-khususkan lingkup usaha perusahaan dalam bidang pengadaan peralatan hygiene industri dan kesehatan lingkungan, Peralatan Laboratorium, alat ? alat kesehatan, serta penyediaan jasa pemantauan, pengukuran lingkungan dan perbaikan peralatan.

Produk yang diperdagangkan perusahan utamanya adalah produk produk yang berkaitan dengan hygiene industri, kesehatan lingkungan, kesehatan & keselamatan kerja dan Peralatan laboratorium dan alat  alat kesehatan .
Produk produk tersebut antara lain :
  • Peralatan Pemantau Hygiene Industri dan Keselamatan Kerja Peralatan pemantau higiene industri dan keselamatan kerja meliputi :
  1. Alat ukur suara ( Sound Level Meter & Noise Dosimeter)
  2. Alat ukur getaran ( Vibration Monitoring)
  3. Alat detector gas berbahaya & mudah terbakar ( Gas Detektor & Flamable Gas Detector)
  4. Alat untuk pengambilan sampel gas, debu, mist, fume & aerosol ( gas, fume, aerosol sample pump & monitoring)
  • Peralatan Pemantau Lingkungan Jenis peralatan tersebut antara lain :
  1. Peralatan sampling dan analisa udara maupun peralatan untuk sampling kualitas udara pada cerobong secara isokinetik otomatis
  2. Alat pantau cuaca stasioner yang dilengkapi dengan penyimpanan data ( data logging) sesuai parameter yang diukur.
  3. Peralatan pemantau kwalitas Air Bersih dan Air Minum ( Microbiologi, PH, Conductivity, ORP, Salinity, Dissolved, Turbiditi, TDS, Resisvity, Ion Meter dll..)
  4. Perlatan pemantau kadar kimia dalam makanan
  • Scientific Instrument, Untuk :
  1. Laboratorium Kimia Dasar & Kimia Klinik : Laboratorium Bio Kimia, Kimia Klinik , Kimia Analitik, Mikrobiologi, Hematologi, Parasitologi, Kimia Farmasi & Toksikologi, Serologi, Virologi & Immunologi, Kimia Air, Kimia Makanan & Minuman, dll
  2. Laboratorium Fisika & Biologi : Laboratorium Instrumentasi, Fisika dasar, Elektronika Medik, Radiology, alat elektronik, Elektronika Medik, Anatomi & Fisiology, Farmakologi dll.
  • Media dan Reagensia, Untuk :
  1. Menunjang kebutuhan reagent pada Rumah Sakit, Puskesmas, Klinik, dan Laboratorium.
  • Survey Meter
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