Yoke Y 7 AC/DC electromagnetic,magnaflux NDT magnetic particle testing

Rp. 19.500.000
Diperbarui: 04-07-2022 13:24
Pembelian Minimal: 1 pcs
Pengiriman: 3 hari sejak pembayaran
Lokasi: DKI Jakarta - Jakarta Pusat
Detail Yoke Y 7 AC/DC electromagnetic,magnaflux NDT magnetic particle testing
 AC/DC Electromagnetic Yoke

The Y-7 is a durable, high-strength AC/DC magnetic yoke designed to detect surface and sub-surface indications in the most rugged applications.

Featuring sealed chemical-resistant construction, articulating legs to contour to any part shape and robust strain-relieved twelve-foot cord for field use, the Y-7 is ideal for inspection of welds and other remote testing.

pt trivi teknik

DKI Jakarta - Jakarta Pusat