Yoke Light Add on Light for magnaflux Yoke accessory,lampu penerangan

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DKI Jakarta - Jakarta Pusat
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Spesifikasi Yoke Light Add on Light for magnaflux Yoke accessory,lampu penerangan

 MagnaFlux Y-1 Yoke Light

The Magnaflux yoke light for the Y-1 Magnetic Yoke is an add-on accessory that provides focused, visible light to the inspection area when the yoke is turned on. The yoke light increases the probability of detecting visible indications in low-light areas or and confined spaces. When using visible color-contrast magnetic particles, a minimum of 100 FC / 1,076 lx is usually required. An additional light source is often needed when ambient light does not provide enough illumination. 

To attach, slip the light over the leg with notches and clip it in. Powered by the magnetic field generated by the yoke, each Y-1 yoke light automatically lights up when the yoke is energized - no batteries or external power required.


Yoke Light Add-on Light for Y-2 Yoke

The LED yoke light is an add-on accessory for the Y-2 AC yoke which provides focused, visible light to the yoke inspection area when the yoke is activated. The high brightness light is designed to enhance visible detection of flaws and discontinuities under low conditions and in difficult to reach areas not accessible to a secondary light source.

Use the Yoke Light and Yoke Test Weight to improve your mag particle inspections with Magnaflux Y-2 electromagnetic yokes.

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