Micronized Talc Powder bahan baku Filler Industri
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Spesifikasi Micronized Talc Powder bahan baku Filler Industri
Micro Talc merk UNICARB, bahan baku Filler untuk berbagai macam Industri.
Micro Talc adalah talc powder micronized yang memiliki kehalusan ultrafine, memiliki physical properties; putih, lembut, halus, licin dan anti air.
Biasa digunakan sebagai Bahan Pengisi / Filler untuk berbagai macam Industri, seperti;
1. Industri Rubber
2. Industri Plastic
3. Kosmetik / Bedak
4. Industri Kertas & Tissue
5. Obat2 an
6. Industri Cat & Coating
7. Industri Tinta
8. Industri Crayon, dll.
Micro Talc adalah talc powder micronized yang memiliki kehalusan ultrafine, memiliki physical properties; putih, lembut, halus, licin dan anti air.
Biasa digunakan sebagai Bahan Pengisi / Filler untuk berbagai macam Industri, seperti;
1. Industri Rubber
2. Industri Plastic
3. Kosmetik / Bedak
4. Industri Kertas & Tissue
5. Obat2 an
6. Industri Cat & Coating
7. Industri Tinta
8. Industri Crayon, dll.
PT Niraku Jaya Abadi
PT. NIRAKU JAYA ABADI is a manufacturer & importir of high quality specialty chemical & minerals, such as Food Grade Calcium Carbonate from seashell powder, Food Grade Calcium Hydroxide, Superfine Ground Calcium Carbonate (GCC), Ultra-Fine Precipitated Calcium Carbonate (PCC) and Talcum Powder. Our products are widely use in various industrial applications such us; food industries, pharmaceutical industries, nutrition, natural food additive & preservative, polymer, paint & coatings, fertilizer, metals refinery, foundry, building materials, feed nutrition, water & air treatment and many others.
only high quality raw materials we process using tech machinery plants and controlled by a quality management system so that our products maintain their quality.
In our mind, product quality and homogeneity are the main parameters of the production process, so we are very concerned to ensure our products always meet quality requirements according to specification & standardization of industrial application.
We will continue to move forward with a total commitment to professionalism, quality, value and business integrity. If you want to know more about our product, please you can contact our sales representative directly or leave a message via nirakujaya@gmail.com
PT Niraku Jaya Abadi
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Medokan Sawah Timur No.22
Jawa Timur
Login Terakhir 13-02-2023
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