sonotech pyrogel 100 magnaflux,wide temperature ultrasonic couplant
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1 pcs
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8 kali
DKI Jakarta - Jakarta Pusat
Rp. 5.500.000
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Spesifikasi sonotech pyrogel 100 magnaflux,wide temperature ultrasonic couplant
Wide Temperature Range Ultrasonic Couplant
Pyrogel is a broad temperature range couplant for thickness gauging, flow metering, acoustic emissions testing and flaw detection/sizing. These products contain no polymers and resists drying, making them an excellent choice for long term flow metering applications.
Pyrogel comes in two different viscosities, Pyrogel 7 which is a very thin, flowable liquid and Pyrogel 100 which is a thick gel. Pyrogel 7 recommended temperature range is -50 to 730°F / -45 to 388°C. Pyrogel 100 recommended temperature range is -50 to 805°F / -45 to 429°C.
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