shell water detector capsules sample Fuel aircraft

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DKI Jakarta - Jakarta Pusat
Rp. 1.999.900
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Spesifikasi shell water detector capsules sample Fuel aircraft

 It's the aviation industry's test system of choice, employed over 8 million times a year around the world. Using a syringe fitted with a Shell Water Detector capsule, it only takes a matter of moments to check the fuel at any stage of your delivery system. And these capsules are probably the most cost-effective safety measure you'll ever introduce.
Supplied In Boxes Each Box Containing 10 Tubes Of 8 Capsules, The Capsules Are Used To Determine The Presence Of Finely Dispersed Undissolved Water In Jet Fuel At Concentrations Lower Than Normally Detectable By Visual Examination.
Application of Use:
Road vehicle and RTW drain samples - before discharge into airport storage.
Hydrant dispenser filter drain samples - after each aircraft fuelling.
Bottom samples from airport tanks - immediately before release.
Fueller filter drain samples - after the first aircraft fuelling, after filling or topping up either Fueller or trailer.
Fueller and trailer compartment drain samples - after each replenishment.
Drain samples from filtration equipment on hydrant delivery and Refueller loading rack delivery.
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