Epson Stylus Pro 4900
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Spesifikasi Epson Stylus Pro 4900
- MicroPiezo TFP ( Thin Film Piezo) Print Head
- Variable Droplet Technology with smallest droplet size 3.5 picoliters
- Printer Nozzle Configuration, 360 nozzle per channel ( X10)
- Maximum area 17” ( 432mm)
- High Dynamic Range ( HDR) Ink featuring two extra colors, Green and Yellow
- 11-cartridge configured as: ( C, VM, Y, LC, VLM, LK, LLK, PK, MK, O, G)
- Stabilises Quickly and Water Resistant
- Variable Droplet Technology with smallest droplet size 3.5 picoliters
- Printer Nozzle Configuration, 360 nozzle per channel ( X10)
- Maximum area 17” ( 432mm)
- High Dynamic Range ( HDR) Ink featuring two extra colors, Green and Yellow
- 11-cartridge configured as: ( C, VM, Y, LC, VLM, LK, LLK, PK, MK, O, G)
- Stabilises Quickly and Water Resistant
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