Extech LCR200
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Banten - Tangerang - Cipondoh
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Spesifikasi Extech LCR200
Passive Component LCR Meter
Measures Inductance, Capacitance, and Resistance with secondary parameter (Q,D,R,P,ESR)
The LCR200 is a passive component LCR meter. Discover the tremendous value with a range of features that help this meter provide the precise measurements you need. See simultaneous 20,000/2,000 count display of the primary parameter on the high contrast backlit display. You can set Hi/Lo limits using absolute values or percentages. Open and Short Zero removes unwanted stray impedances from the measurement. Use the built-in test fixture or external test leads (included). The LCR200 has an Auto Power Off function that can also be disabled and a low battery indicator to alert you when to replace the batteries. Complete with test leads and 9V battery.
Universal Monitoring
Perusahaan Kami Bergerak Sebagai Distributor Berbagai Macam Jasa Untuk Pengadaan Barang Dan Supplier. Alat Laboratorium Alat Ukur/ Uji, Alat Safety, Dan, Macam-Macam Timbangan Untuk Kebutuhan Industri, Alat Tehnik, Alat Keselamatan .
Universal Monitoring
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Flamboyan Blok M5 No 2. Kel. Kenanga. Kec. Cipondoh. Tangerang
Banten - Tangerang
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