AT-301W - High Definition Wireless IP Camera

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372 kali
Jawa Timur - Surabaya
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Spesifikasi AT-301W - High Definition Wireless IP Camera

Keterangan: - HD resolusi 1280x1024 megapiksel.
- Dual codec MPEG-4 SP dan JPEG
- Dual streaming dukungan
- Komunikasi audio Bi-directional
- Wireless Network: IEEE 802.11 b / g compliant.
- 3GPP dan pengawasan Smartphone mobile
- Universal web surveilans
- Rekaman lokal untuk SD card
- Seamless SI dengan sumber daya SDK
- Desain di Taiwan
- Made in Taiwan
- FOB Taiw
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Adroit-Tech Co., Ltd.

Penjelasan Ringkas

Adroit-Tech Co.., Ltd., ( ATCL) is a company focusing on the areas of security system / surveillance. Our headquarters is in Taiwan, a country already known for its sophisticated electronic products and tried and tested quality. Our products using our own brand ( ATCL) , which has spread in America, Europe and some Asian countries. Because we are also supported by a design-experienced team, so we dare to move into the Southeast Asian market.
  In addition to products with our own brand, we also have a good business relationship and long with companies producing products in Taiwan security system, which gives us an advantage in meeting / exceeding customer demand / subscription we will products other surveillance, which may be said that we can provide comprehensive services such as supermarkets. Meanwhile, we also accept orders buyers who are interested to use their own brand. We are happy to offer equal employment opportunities for local distributors, dealers, trading company and retail stores.
  Please visit our website for detailed information on http: / / You can also contact us at our representative in Indonesia.

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Adroit-Tech Co., Ltd.

Free Member
Surabaya (perwakilan) 10301, Jawa Timur Indonesia
Jawa Timur - Surabaya
Login Terakhir 13-10-2010

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