SL1000 Portable Paralel Analyzers
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Minimum Pembelian
1 Unit
Dilihat Sebanyak
16 kali
Banten - Tangerang - Cipondoh
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Spesifikasi SL1000 Portable Paralel Analyzers
Complete more tests on site, get the results you need faster, allowing you to visit more sites in each shift. Perform up to four colorimetric and two probe based measurements in parallel 75% faster than with other methods.
Automation and internal temperature control make the entire process consistent and repeatable, while applying the same processes as current Hach methods. Avoid manual steps that can introduce variability, even when performed by experienced testers.
A single instrument combines colorimetric and probe testing in a field kit that requires fewer bulky accessories. All chemicals and processes are entirely contained inside the Chemkey. There are no powder pillows or glass vials to handle.
Universal Monitoring
Perusahaan Kami Bergerak Sebagai Distributor Berbagai Macam Jasa Untuk Pengadaan Barang Dan Supplier. Alat Laboratorium Alat Ukur/ Uji, Alat Safety, Dan, Macam-Macam Timbangan Untuk Kebutuhan Industri, Alat Tehnik, Alat Keselamatan .
Universal Monitoring
Free Member
Flamboyan Blok M5 No 2. Kel. Kenanga. Kec. Cipondoh. Tangerang
Banten - Tangerang
Login Terakhir 27-05-2024
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