Threading tools / tools pembuat ulir ( drat )
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Spesifikasi Threading tools / tools pembuat ulir ( drat )
Threading tools adalah tools pembuat ulir atau drat. Ada beberapa jenis threading tools yaitu Threading holder & Threading insert. Threading tools diaplikasikan pada mesin bubut konvensional & mesin bubut cnc. Threading tools yang kami jual brand ZCC-CT. Kami siap support jika anda ada kebutuhan threading tools di perusahaan anda. Silakan undang kami untuk sharing , konsultasi, tanya" harga dll.
Beberapa spek detail Threading tools :
- Holder thread external : SWR1616, SWR2525, SWR2020, SWR3232
- Holder thread internal : SNR0012, SNR0016, SNR0020, SNR0025, SNR0032
- Insert thread external : 11ER, 16ER, 22ER, 27ER
- Insert thread internal : 8IR, 11IR, 16IR, 22IR, 27IR
Contact Sales :
Wa 081-7533822
Mail :
Tokopedia : LKP ONLINE
Tagline : Threading tools surabaya, Threading tools sidoarjo, Threading tools Medan, Threading tools batam.
Beberapa spek detail Threading tools :
- Holder thread external : SWR1616, SWR2525, SWR2020, SWR3232
- Holder thread internal : SNR0012, SNR0016, SNR0020, SNR0025, SNR0032
- Insert thread external : 11ER, 16ER, 22ER, 27ER
- Insert thread internal : 8IR, 11IR, 16IR, 22IR, 27IR
Contact Sales :
Wa 081-7533822
Mail :
Tokopedia : LKP ONLINE
Tagline : Threading tools surabaya, Threading tools sidoarjo, Threading tools Medan, Threading tools batam.
PT. Buana Arta Toolindo
- (BAT) is a trading company whom supply cutting tools & adhesive product.
- BAT established since 2004, by introducing “Solid Carbide Cutting Tools” made in Korea with brand “SKC”. For business reason the brand is changed with “LBC” on July 2006. On April 2006, BAT introduced new product with specification “Insert Cutting Tools” made in China brand “ZCC-CT”.
- On June 2009, BAT introduced new product with specification on TAPS, the brand is UFS from Italy.
- On January 2013, introduce new product with specification on high speed steel rotary cutting tools, the brand is NUI from Italy.
- On January 2013, introduce new product with specification on machine accessories, the brand is PAGNONI from Italy.
- On January 2023, introduce new product with specification on threadlocker, threadsealant, gasket sealant, retaining compound, instant adhesive, the brand is GARANT GREENPLUS from germany
Ruko Graha Tirta Square Jln Ruko Tirta Raya No 3
Jawa Timur - Sidoarjo
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